Publications: Hate crime models


Banaji, S., 'Against Resilience: The (Anti-)Ethics of Participation in an Unjust and Unequal Public Sphere' (2024), Javnost [online]
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Banga, S., 'Theorising racist hate speech on UK university campuses through a CRT lens' (2023), Whiteness and Education [online]
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Baptista, V.F., 'Femicide, Femicide and Hate on the agenda: The murder of women in Latin America | [Feminicídio, femicídio e ódio na agenda: O assassinato das mulheres na América Latina]' (2021), Brazilian Journal of International Law, 18(3), pp. 309-333
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Bárd, P., 'Prerequisites for the effective fight against hate crimes' (2022), Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies [online]
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Barna, I., 'The genealogy of social hatred' (2022), Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies [online]
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Barrett-Fox, R., 'Anger and compassion on the picket line: Ethnography and emotion in the study of Westboro Baptist Church' (2011), Journal of Hate Studies, 9(1), pp. 11-32
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Barth, N., Wagner, E., Raab, P. & Wiegärtner, B., 'Contextures of hate: Towards a systems theory of hate communication on social media platforms' (2023), Communication Review [online]
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Battistelli, D., 'Building a Formal Model for Hate Detection in French Corpora' (2020), Procedia Computer Science, 176, pp. 2358-2365
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Battle, J. & Lemelle, A.J., 'Gender differences in African American attitudes toward gay males' (2002), The Western Journal of Black Studies, 26(3), pp.134-139
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Baum, S.K., 'Becoming evil: How ordinary people commit genocide and mass killing' (2003), Journal of Hate Studies, 2(1), pp. 103-104
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Baum, S.K., 'Purify and destroy: The political uses of massacre and genocide' (2007), Journal of Hate Studies, 6(1), pp. 137-139
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Baun, P.S. & Nielbo, K., 'Right-wing Mnemonics' (2022), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3290, pp. 152-161

Bawono, B.T. & Glaser, H., 'The Urgency of Restorative Justice Regulation on Hate Speech' (2023), Bestuur, 11(2), pp. 364–383
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Bayer, J., 'High-impact hate speech by persons of authority: A lower threshold needed?' (2022), Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies [online]
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Belgioioso, M., Dworschak, C. & Gleditsch, K.S., 'Local deprivation predicts right-wing hate crime in England' (2023), PLoS ONE, 18(9 September), e0289423
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Benito, I.G., 'Online harassment and cyberstalking. A case study' (2023), Sortuz, 13(2), pp. 242–257
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Berdón-Prieto, P., Herrero-Izquierdo, J. & Reguero-Sanz, I., 'Political polarization and politainment: Methodology for analyzing crypto hate speech on TikTok | Polarización política y politainment: metodología de análisis del criptodiscurso de odio en TikTok' (2023), Profesional de la Informacion, 32(6), e320601
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Berk, R.A., 'Thinking about hate-motivated crimes' (1990), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 5(3), pp.334-349
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Berlet, C., 'Hate, oppression, repression, and the apocalyptic style: Facing complex questions and challenges' (2004), Journal of Hate Studies, 3(1), pp. 145-166
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Bjørgo, T. & Aasland Ravndal, J., 'Extreme-Right Violence and Terrorism: Concepts, Patterns, and Response' (2019), ICCT Policy Brief, September 2019
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Blazak, R., 'Revisiting the White Boys From Portland to Ukraine: Anomie and Right-Wing Extremism' (2022), American Behavioral Scientist [online]
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Blee, K.M., 'Racial violence in the United States' (2005), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 28(4), pp.499-619
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Bleich, E. & Hart, R.K., 'Quantifying hate: The evolution of German approaches to measuring ‘hate crime’' (2008), German Politics, 17(1), pp.63-80
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Blitzer, J., 'Toward an interdisciplinary field of hate studies: Developing a framework' (2005), Journal of Hate Studies, 4(1), pp. 139-149
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Boden-Albala, B., Ding, X., Ryan, N., Goodman, S., Wing, J., Runnerstrom, M.G., Gutierrez, D., Gibbs, B., Robb, J.M. & Drum, E., 'Anti-Asian racism related stigma, racial discrimination, and protective factors against stigma: a repeated cross-sectional survey among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic' (2023), Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 958932
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Bodroghkozy, A., 'Making #Charlottesville: Media from Civil Rights to Unite the Right' (2023), Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press
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Boehme, H.M., Burrow, J.D. & Jung, S., 'An Exploratory Analysis Examining the Relationship Between Protective and Risk Factors of Bullying and Hate Crime Victimization Within Schools' (2024), Journal of School Violence [online]
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Bonhomme, M. & Alfaro, A., '‘The filthy people’: Racism in digital spaces during Covid-19 in the context of South–South migration' (2022), International Journal of Cultural Studies, 25(3-4), pp. 404-427
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Bonotti, M. & Seglow, J., 'Freedom of speech: A relational defence' (2022), Philosophy and Social Criticism [online]
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Borell, K., 'When is the time to hate? A research review on the impact of dramatic events on Islamophobia and Islamophobic hate crimes in Europe' (2015), Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, pp.1-13
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Botha, J., 'A Hate Crime Model for the South African Context' (2020), in H. Strydom & J. Botha (Eds.) Select Essays on Governance and Accountability Issues in Public Law (pp. 33- 54), Stellenbosch: African Sun Media
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Bousquet, C., 'Words That Harm: Defending the Dignity Approach to Hate Speech Regulation' (2022), Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, 35(1), pp. 31-57
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Bouwers, E. (Ed.), 'Catholics and Violence in the Nineteenth-Century Global World' (2023), New York: Routledge
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Bozhidarova, M., Chang, J., Ale-Rasool, A., Liu, Y., Ma, C., Bertozzi, A.L., Brantingham, P.J., Lin, J. & Krishnagopal, S., 'Hate speech and hate crimes: a data-driven study of evolving discourse around marginalized groups' (2023), Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, BigData 2023, pp. 3107–3116
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Braddock, K., Hughes, B., Goldberg, B. & Miller-Idriss, C., 'Engagement in subversive online activity predicts susceptibility to persuasion by far-right extremist propaganda' (2022), New Media and Society [online]
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Bradley, M.S., 'Symbolizing hate: The extent and influence of organized hate group indicators' (2007), Journal of Crime and Justice, 30(1), pp.1-15
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Bray, K., Braakmann, N. & Wildman, J., 'Austerity, welfare cuts and hate crime: Evidence from the UK’s age of austerity' (2022), Journal of Urban Economics, 103439
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Brekke, T., 'Islamophobia and antisemitism are different in their potential for globalization' (2021), Journal of Religion and Violence, 9(1), pp. 80-100
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Brewer, J.P. & Johnson, J.T., 'For Indigenous youth: Towards caring and compassion, deconstructing the borderlands of reconciliation' (2021), in S. O’Lear (Ed.) A Research Agenda for Geographies of Slow Violence: Making Social and Environmental Injustice Visible (pp. 137-154), Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing
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Brightman, S., Lenning, E., Lurie, K.J. & DeJong, C., 'Anti-Transgender Ideology, Laws, and Homicide: An Analysis of the Trifecta of Violence' (2023), Homicide Studies [online]
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Brody, E., Greenhalgh, S.P. & Sajjad, M., 'Free Speech or Free to Hate?: Anti-LGBTQ+ Discourses in LGBTQ+-Affirming Spaces on Gab Social' (2023), Journal of Homosexuality [online]
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Bryan, T., 'Investigating hate crime: Law enforcement decision making in race based hate crimes' (2022), Canadian Review of Sociology, 59(4), pp. 490-506
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Buckingham, L. & Alali, N., 'Extreme Parallels: A Corpus-Driven Analysis of ISIS and Far-Right Discourse' (2019), Kotuitui [online]
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Buoncompagni, G., 'The Perception of Anti-Semitic Hatred in the Italian Media and Justice System' (2023), Fieldwork in Religion, 18(2), pp. 184–199
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Burch, L., '‘I haven’t got anywhere safe’: disabled people’s experiences of hate and violence within the home' (2023), Social and Cultural Geography [online]
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Burt, C.H., Simons, R.L. & Gibbons, F.X., 'Racial discrimination, ethnic-racial socialization, and crime: A micro-sociological model of risk and resilience' (2012), American Sociological Review, 77(4), pp.648-677
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Cai, L., 'Analysis of Hate Crime Rates in the United States: Statistical Modeling of Public Safety Issues Based on Socioeconomic Factors' (2021), Proceedings - 2021 International Conference on E-Commerce and E-Management, ICECEM 2021, pp. 388-392
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Campo-Engelstein, L., 'Rape as a hate crime: An analysis of New York law' (2016), Hypatia, 31(1), pp.91-106
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Cao, A., Lindo, J.M. & Zhong, J., 'Can social media rhetoric incite hate incidents? Evidence from Trump’s “Chinese Virus” tweets' (2023), Journal of Urban Economics, 137, 103590
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Carballo Rodríguez, F.M., 'Civility as a horizon for democracy in Étienne Balibar | La civilidad como horizonte para la democracia en Étienne Balibar' (2023), Isegoria, 68, e11
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