Publications: Hate speech


Chakravarthi, B.R., 'Hope speech detection in YouTube comments' (2022), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12(1), 75
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Chakravarthi, B.R., 'Detection of homophobia and transphobia in YouTube comments' (2023), International Journal of Data Science and Analytics [online]
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Chakravarthi, B.R., B., B., Buitelaar, P., Durairaj, T., Kovács, G., Garcia Cumbreras, M.A. (Eds.), 'Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity, Inclusion' (2024), Association for Computational Linguistics (March 2024), St. Julian’s, Malta
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Chakravarthi, B.R., B., B., García Cumbreras, M.A., Jiménez Zafra, S.M., Subramanian, M., Shanmugavadivel, K. & Nakov, P. (Eds.), 'Speech and Language Technologies for Low-Resource Languages, Revised Selected Papers' (2024), 2nd International Conference on Speech and Language Technologies for Low-Resource Languages, SPELLL 2023, Perundurai, Erode, India, December 6–8, 2023
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Chakravarthi, B.R., Bharathi, B., McCrae, J.P., Zarrouk, M., Bali, K. & Buitelaar, P. (Eds.), 'Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion' (2022), Second Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (May 2022 in Dublin, Ireland)
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Chakravarthi, B.R., Hande, A., Ponnusamy, R., Kumaresan, P.K. & Priyadharshini, R., 'How can we detect Homophobia and Transphobia? Experiments in a multilingual code-mixed setting for social media governance' (2022), International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, 2(2), 100119
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Chakravarthi, B.R., Priyadharshini, R., Kumar M, A., Thavareesan, S. & Sherly, E. (Eds.), 'Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages' (2023), 3rd Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages, DravidianLangTech 2023
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Chakravarthi, B.R., Priyadharshini, R., Madasamy, A.K., Thavareesan, S., Sherly, E., Nadarajan, R. & Ravikiran, M. (Eds.), 'Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Speech, Vision, and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages' (2024), Association for Computational Linguistics (March 2024), St. Julian’s, Malta
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Chakroborty, T., Akhtar, M.S., Shu, K., Bernard, H.R., Liakata, M., Nakov, P. & Srivastava, A. (Eds.), 'Proceedings of the Workshop on Combating Online Hostile Posts in Regional Languages During Emergency Situations' (2022), Workshop on Combating Online Hostile Posts in Regional Languages during Emergency Situations (May 2022 in Dublin, Ireland)
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Chandra, M., Pailla, D., Bhatia, H., Sanchawala, A., Gupta, M., Shrivastava, M. & Kumaraguru, P., 'Subverting the Jewtocracy: Online Antisemitism Detection Using Multimodal Deep Learning' (2021), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 148-157
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Chandra, M., Reddy, M., Sehgal, S., Gupta, S., Buduru, A.B. & Kumaraguru, P., '“A Virus Has No Religion”: Analyzing Islamophobia on Twitter during the COVID-19 Outbreak' (2021), HT 2021 - Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, pp. 67-77
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Charan, A. & Verma, J.K., 'Characterizing Social Media Contents for Regulating Hate Crimes and Cyber Racism against Marginalized and Dalits in India' (2020), 2020 International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation, ComPE 2020, 9200049, pp. 864-871
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Charitidis, P., Doropoulos, S., Vologiannidis, S., Papastergiou, I. & Karakeva, S., 'Towards Countering Hate Speech Against Journalists on Social Media' (2020), Online Social Networks and Media, 17, 100071
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Chaudhari, A., Parseja, A. & Patyal, A., 'CNN Based Hate-O-Meter: A Hate Speech Detecting Tool' (2020), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology, ICSSIT 2020, 9214247, pp. 940-944
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Chaudhari, S., Chaudhari, P., Fegade, P., Kulkarni, A. & Patil, R., 'Hate Speech and Abusive Language Suspect Identification and Report Generation' (2019), International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 8(11), pp. 1609-1611
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Chaudhry, P. & Lease, M., 'You Are What You Tweet: Profiling Users by Past Tweets to Improve Hate Speech Detection' (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13193 LNCS, pp. 195-203
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Chekol, M.A., Moges, M.A. & Nigatu, B.A., 'Social media hate speech in the walk of Ethiopian political reform: Analysis of hate speech prevalence, severity, and natures' (2021), Information Communication and Society [online]
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Chen, P.J., 'Civic Discourse on Facebook During the Australian Same-Sex Marriage Postal Plebiscite' (2019), Australian Journal of Social Issues [online]
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Chen, J., Ma, K., Ji, K. & Chen, Z., 'TM-HOL: Topic memory model for detection of hate speech and offensive language' (2021), Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience [online]
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Chen, X., Ye, X., Mohanty, M. & Manoharan, S., 'Detecting Offensive Posts on Social Media' (2023), International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies, ICECET 2023
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Chen, Y. & Pan, F., 'Multimodal detection of hateful memes by applying a vision-language pre-training model' (2022), PLoS ONE, 17(9 September), e0274300
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Chen, Y., Sack, H. & Alam, M., 'Analyzing social media for measuring public attitudes toward controversies and their driving factors: a case study of migration' (2022), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12(1), 135
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Cheng, D., Yan, K., Keung, P., Smith, N.A., 'The Engage Corpus: A Social Media Dataset for Text-Based Recommender Systems' (2022), 2022 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022, pp. 1885-1889
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Cheng, Y.-C., 'Global Information Sharing on Social Media under the COVID-19 Risk: Analysis of Hyperlinks and Contents on Twitter | 全球傳染病風險下的社交媒體訊息分享:Twitter 社群的 COVID-19 貼文內容與超連結分析' (2023), Mass Communication Research, (154), pp. 113–173
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Cherian, A.K., Tripathi, A. & Shrey, 'Detecting Hate Speech on Social Media Using Machine Learning' (2020), International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(8), pp. 1047-1058
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Cheriyan, J., Savarimuthu, B.T.R. & Cranefield, S., 'Norm Violation in Online Communities – A Study of Stack Overflow Comments' (2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12298 LNAI, pp. 20-34
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Chesterman, M., 'Freedom of speech in Australian law: A delicate plant' (2000), Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Chetty, N. & Alathur, S., 'Hate speech review in the context of online social networks' (2018), Aggression and Violent Behavior, 40, pp.108-118
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Chetty, N. & Alathur, S., 'Identity-Based Online Hate Content: Empirical Analysis' (2021), International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning, 11(4)
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Chetty, N., Alathur, S. & Kumar, V., 'Technology-Assisted Social Reforms and Online Hate Content: Insights from India' (2022), Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 65, e22210664
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Chetty, N., Alathur, S., Andrews, D. & Kumar, V., 'Computational Analysis of Online Hate Content using Cognitive -AI' (2021), Proceedings of the 2021 6th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security, ICCCS 2021
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Chhabra, A. & Vishwakarma, D.K., 'A Truncated SVD Framework for Online Hate Speech Detection on the ETHOS Dataset' (2023), 2023 International Conference on Innovative Trends in Information Technology, ICITIIT 2023
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Chhabra, A. & Vishwakarma, D.K., 'A literature survey on multimodal and multilingual automatic hate speech identification' (2023), Multimedia Systems [online]
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Chhabra, A. & Vishwakarma, D.K., 'Multimodal hate speech detection via multi-scale visual kernels and knowledge distillation architecture' (2023), Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 126, 106991
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Chhikara, M. & Malik, S.K., 'Abusive Content Detection on Social Networks Using Machine Learning' (2023), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 1078 LNEE, pp. 779–787
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Chhikara, M. & Malik, S.K., 'Classification of Cyber Hate Speech from Social Networks using Machine Learning' (2022), Proceedings of the 2022 11th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2022, pp. 419-423
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Chiang, P.P., 'Anti-Asian racism, responses, and the impact on Asian Americans’ lives: A social-ecological perspective' (2021), in J.M. Ryan (Ed.) COVID-19 Volume II: Social Consequences and Cultural Adaptations (pp. 215-229), London: Routledge
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Chiluwa, I., Taiwo, R. & Ajiboye, E., 'Hate Speech and Political Media Discourse in Nigeria: The Case of the Indigenous People of Biafra' (2020), International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 16(2), pp. 191-212
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Chimkhlai, P. & Panyametheekul, S., 'Hate Speech in YouTube Comments on Rohingya Refugees in Thailand and Syrian Refugees in Europe' (2024), LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 17(1), pp. 133–161
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Chin, J., 'Antimatters: The curious case of Confederate monuments' (2023), Boston University Law Review, 103(1), pp. 311–383
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Chinivar, S., Roopa, M.S., Arunalatha, J.S. & Venugopal, K.R., 'Online Hate Speech Identification Using Fine-tuned ALBERT' (2023), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 719 LNNS, pp. 289–300
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Chiril, P., Benamara, F. & Moriceau, V., '“Be nice to your wife! The restaurants are closed”: Can Gender Stereotype Detection Improve Sexism Classification?' (2021), Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Findings of ACL: EMNLP 2021, pp. 2833-2844
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Chiu, A., Sood, K., Rincon, A. & Doran, D., 'Detecting Hate Speech on Social Media with Respect to Adolescent Vulnerability' (2023), 2023 IEEE 13th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference, CCWC 2023, pp. 724-728
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Chnini, M., Fredj, N., Bensaid, F. & Kacem, Y.H., 'Violent Speech Detection in Educational Environments' (2023), Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA
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Chopra, A., Sharma, D.K., Jha, A. & Ghosh, U., 'A Framework for Online Hate Speech Detection on Code-mixed Hindi-English Text and Hindi Text in Devanagari' (2023), ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 22(5), 134
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Choudhary, M., Chouhan, S.S., Pilli, E.S. & Singh, N., 'MSPIS: Multimodal Suspicious Profile Identification System in Online Social Network' (2023), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14301 LNCS, pp. 621–628
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Chow, R., 'Inciting hatred or merely engaging in religious debate? The need for religious vilification laws' (2005), Alternative Law Journal, 30(3), pp.120-145
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Chow, D.V., Natania, F., Nathanael, O.T., Setiawan, K.E. & Hasani, M.F., 'Cyberbullying Detection: An Investigation into Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Techniques' (2023), 2023 5th International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, ICORIS 2023
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Chowdhury, A.G., Didolkar, A., Sawhney, R. & Shah, R.R., 'Beyond Hostile Linguistic Cues: The Gravity of Online Milieu for Hate Speech Detection in Arabic' (2019), HT 2019 - Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, pp. 285-286
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Chowdhury, F.A., Saha, D., Hasan, M.R., Saha, K. & Mueen, A., 'Examining factors associated with Twitter account suspension following the 2020 U.S. presidential election' (2021), Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2021, pp. 607-612
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