Publications: Hate speech


Doğanç, M. & Markov, I., 'From Generic to Personalized: Investigating Strategies for Generating Targeted Counter Narratives against Hate Speech' (2023), Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on CounterSpeech for Online Abuse, CS4OA 2023, pp. 1–12
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Dombo, E.A., 'Speaking out against hate speech and actions through social work research' (2021), Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work, 40(2), pp. 109-110
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Domínguez-Armas, Á., Soria-Ruiz, A. & Lewiński, M., 'Provocative Insinuations as Hate Speech: Argumentative Functions of Mentioning Ethnicity in Headlines' (2023), Topoi [online]
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Donzelli, S., 'Countering harmful speech online. (In)effective strategies and the duty to counterspeak' (2021), Phenomenology and Mind, 20, pp. 76-87
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Donzelli, S., 'Counterspeech Solidarity, complicity, political participation | [Gegenrede Solidarität, Komplizenschaft, politische Partizipation]' (2023), Zeitschrift fur Praktische Philosophie, 9(2), pp. 303-332
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Dori-Hacohen, S. & Hale, S.A., 'Information Ecosystem Threats in Minoritized Communities: Challenges, Open Problems and Research Directions' (2022), SIGIR 2022 - Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pp. 3384-3385
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Döring, N. & Mohseni, M.R., 'Fail Videos and Related Video Comments on YouTube: A Case of Sexualization of Women and Gendered Hate Speech?' (2019), Communication Research Reports, 36(3), pp. 254-264
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Döring, N. & Schumann-Doermer, C., 'Publicly Sharing Personal Abortion Experiences: Between Empowerment and Disempowerment | Öffentliches Sprechen über persönliche Abtreibungserfahrungen: Zwischen Empowerment und Disempowerment' (2023), Zeitschrift fur Sexualforschung, 36(4), pp. 223–232
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Dorris, W., Hu, R.R., Vishwamitra, N., Luo, F. & Costello, M., 'Towards Automatic Detection and Explanation of Hate Speech and Offensive Language' (2020), IWSPA 2020 - Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Security and Privacy Analytics, pp. 23-29
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Dorđević, J.P., 'The Sociocognitive Dimension of Hate Speech in Readers’ Comments on Serbian News Websites' (2020), Discourse, Context and Media, 33
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dos da Silva, A.S.R. & Roman, N.T., 'No place for hate speech @ HaSpeeDe 2: Ensemble to identify hate speech in Italian' (2020), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2765
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dos da Silva, A.S.R. & Roman, N.T., 'No place for hate speech @ AMI: Convolutional neural network and word embedding for the identification of misogyny in Italian' (2020), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2765
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Dos Santos, A.C.S., 'The Council of Ethics and Parliamentary Decorum as a mechanism of accountability for “Hate Speech” | Conselho de Ética e Decoro Parlamentar da Câmara dos Deputados como mecanismo de accountability contra “discursos de ódio”' (2023), Cadernos Pagu, 2023(67), e236709
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dos Santos, T.F., Cranefield, S., Savarimuthu, B.T.R., Osman, N. & Schorlemmer, M., 'Cross-community Adapter Learning (CAL) to Understand the Evolving Meanings of Norm Violation' (2023), IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023, pp. 109–117
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Douglass, S., Mirpuri, S., English, D. & Yip, T., '“They were just making jokes”: Ethnic/racial teasing and discrimination among adolescents' (2015), Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
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Dowlagar, S. & Mamidi, R., 'A Survey of Recent Neural Network Models on Code-Mixed Indian Hate Speech Data' (2021), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 67-74
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Dowlagar, S. & Mamidi, R., 'Hate Speech Detection on Code-Mixed Dataset Using a Fusion of Custom and Pre-trained Models with Profanity Vector Augmentation' (2022), SN Computer Science, 3(4), 306
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Downing, J., 'Exceptional and banal constructions of British Muslims in Grenfell: Social boundaries, twitter, superdiversity and online vernacular memory' (2023), Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 23(2), pp. 232–245
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Downing, J., Dronn, R., 'Tweeting Grenfell: Discourse and Networks in Critical Constructions of British Muslim Social Boundaries on Social Media' (2019), New Media and Society [online]
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Dragomir, S. & Hosu, I., 'The narratives of hate used by Romanian parties labelled as far-right. A comparative narrative analysis' (2023), Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 22(64), pp. 34-54
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Dralega, C.A., Igland, T. & Seddighi, G., 'Challenges in Regulating Online Hate-Speech Within the Norwegian Context' (2024), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1810 CCIS, pp. 173–186
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Dreißigacker, A., Müller, P., Isenhardt, A. & Schemmel, J., 'Online hate speech victimization: consequences for victims’ feelings of insecurity' (2024), Crime Science, 13(1), 4
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Drew, J. & Thornburg, D., 'Fraught times: Engaging systemic issues of hate online' (2020), in P.M. Kellett, S.L. Connaughton & G. Cheney (Eds.) Transforming Conflict and Building Peace: Community Engagement Strategies for Communication Scholarship and Practice (pp. 161-176), Bern: Peter Lang Publishing
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Du, C. & Weng, X., 'Deep neural network approaches in hate speech detection' (2022), Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 12163, 121632O
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Du, P., Gao, Y. & Li, X., 'Towards an Intrinsic Interpretability Approach for Multimodal Hate Speech Detection' (2022), International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2250040
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Dubey, K., Nair, R., Khan, M.U. & Shaikh, P.S., 'Toxic Comment Detection using LSTM' (2020), Proceedings of 2020 3rd International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and Communications, ICAECC 2020, 9339521
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Dubois, E. & Reepschlager, A., 'How harassment and hate speech policies have changed over time: Comparing Facebook, Twitter and Reddit (2005–2020)' (2024), Policy and Internet [online]
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Dumas, C., Ghosh, S., Hong, L., Karami, A. & Vaidya, P., 'Online Incivility and Contextual Factors: Data-Driven Detection and Analysis' (2023), Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(1), pp. 770–774
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Dunn, S., 'Islamophobia, Hateful Speech, and the Need to Practice Democratic Virtues' (2013), Journal of Hate Studies, 11(1), pp. 29-49
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Dunn, S., 'Islamophobia, hateful speech, and the need to practice democratic virtues' (2013), Journal of Hate Studies, 11(1), pp. 29-49
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Duong, C., Zhang, L. & Lu, C.-T., 'HateNet: A Graph Convolutional Network Approach to Hate Speech Detection' (2022), Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2022, pp. 5698-5707
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Duong, P.H., Chung, C.C., Vo, L.T., Nguyen, H.T. & Ngo, D., 'Detecting Hate Speech Contents Using Embedding Models' (2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13116 LNCS, pp. 138-146
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Durántez-Stolle, P., Martínez-Sanz, R., Piñeiro-Otero, T. & Gómez-García, S., 'Feminism as a polarizing axis of the political conversation on Twitter: the case of #IreneMonteroDimision | El feminismo como eje polarizador de la conversación política en Twitter. El caso de #IreneMonteroDimision' (2023), Profesional de la Informacion, 32(6), e320607
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Dutta, M.J., 'Digital platforms, Hindutva, and disinformation: Communicative strategies and the Leicester violence' (2024), Communication Monographs [online]
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Dutta, S., Caur, S., Chakrabarti, S. & Chakraborty, T., 'Semi-supervised stance detection of tweets via distant network supervision' (2022), WSDM 2022 - Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, pp. 241-251
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Duwairi, R., Hayajneh, A. & Quwaider, M., 'A Deep Learning Framework for Automatic Detection of Hate Speech Embedded in Arabic Tweets' (2021), Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering [online]
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Dwivedy, V. & Roy, P.K., 'Deep feature fusion for hate speech detection: a transfer learning approach' (2023), Multimedia Tools and Applications [online]
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D’Sa, A.G., Illina, I., Fohr, D. & Akbar, A., 'Exploration of Multi-corpus Learning for Hate Speech Classification in Low Resource Scenarios' (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13502 LNAI, pp. 238-250
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D’Sa, A.G., Illina, I., Fohr, D., Klakow, D. & Ruiter, D., 'Exploring Conditional Language Model Based Data Augmentation Approaches for Hate Speech Classification' (2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12848 LNAI, pp. 135-146
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D’Souza, T., Griffin, L., Shackleton, N. & Walt, D. , '‘Harming women with words: The failure of Australian law to prohibit gendered hate speech’' (2018), University of New South Wales Law Journal, 41(3), pp. 939-976
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E Silva, W.P., 'Argumentation in hate speech on Facebook: A contributive categorization to forensic linguistics and computational linguistics | [Argumentação em discursos de ódio no Facebook: Uma categorização contributiva à linguística forense e à linguística computacional]' (2021), Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, 29(4), pp. 2367-2395
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Edge, P.W., 'Oppositional religious speech: Understanding hate preaching' (2018), Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 20(3), pp.278-289
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Edström, M., 'The trolls disappear in the light: Swedish experiences of mediated sexualised hate speech in the aftermath of Behring Breivik' (2016), International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 5(2), pp.96-106
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Edwards, E.L., 'Digital Islamophobia: Tracking a far-right crisis' (2023), Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter
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Ekeli, K.S., 'Democratic Legitimacy, Political Speech and Viewpoint Neutrality' (2020), Philosophy and Social Criticism [online]
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El Barachi, M., Mathew, S.S., Oroumchian, F., Ajala, I., Lutfi, S. & Yasin, R., 'Leveraging Natural Language Processing to Analyse the Temporal Behavior of Extremists on Social Media' (2022), Journal of Communications Software and Systems, 18(2), pp. 195-207
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El Kah, A. & Zeroual, I., 'Sentiment analysis of Facebook users towards COVID-19 vaccination' (2023), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 31
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El-Sayed, T., Mustafa, A., El-Sayed, A. & Elrashidy, M., 'Hate speech detection by classic machine learning' (2023), ICEEM 2023 - 3rd IEEE International Conference on Electronic Engineering
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Elbahtimy, M., 'The Right to Protection from Incitement to Hatred: An Unsettled Right' (2021), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
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Elias, C., Gonçalves, J.B., Araújo, M., Pinheiro, P., Araújo, C. & Henriques, P.R., 'NetAC, An Automatic Classifier of Online Hate Speech Comments' (2021), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1367 AISC, pp. 494-505
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