Publications: Hate speech


Fangen, K. & Holter, C.R., 'The Battle for Truth: How Online Newspaper Commenters Defend Their Censored Expressions' (2019), Poetics, 101423 [online]
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Fanton, M., Bonaldi, H., Tekiroglu, S.S. & Guerini, M., 'Human-in-the-loop for data collection: A multi-target counter narrative dataset to fight online hate speech' (2021), ACL-IJCNLP 2021 - 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 3226-3240
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Faris, H., Aljarah, I., Habib, M. & Castillo, P.A., 'Hate Speech Detection Using Word Embedding and Deep Learning in The Arabic Language Context' (2020), ICPRAM 2020 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pp. 453-460
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Farpón, C.R. & Carrión, N.N., 'An analysis of the viral challenge “A scholarship for sorrow” and its impact on the group of people with disabilities | Las redes sociales como espacios de representación: Un análisis del reto viral “Una beca por pena” y su impacto en el colectivo de personas con discapacidad' (2024), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, 30(1), pp. 223–232
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Farrand, B., '‘Is This a Hate Speech?’ The Difficulty in Combating Radicalisation in Coded Communications on Social media Platforms' (2023), European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research [online]
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Farrell, T. & Mostéfaoui, S.K., 'False Hopes in Automated Abuse Detection' (2023), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3456, pp. 109–118
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Farrell, T., Fernandez, M., Novotny, J. & Alani, H., 'Exploring Misogyny Across the Manosphere in Reddit' (2019), WebSci 2019 - Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Web Science, pp. 87-96
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Faruqe, O., Jahan, M., Faisal, M., Islam, M.S. & Khan, R., 'Bangla Hate Speech Detection System Using Transformer-Based NLP and Deep Learning Techniques' (2023), 2023 3rd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology, ASIANCON 2023
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Fasoli, F., Paladino, M.P., Carnaghi, A., Jetten, J., Bastian, B. & Bain, P.G., 'Not “just words”: Exposure to homophobic epithets leads to dehumanizing and physical distancing from gay men' (2015), European Journal of Social Psychology
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Faulkner, N. & Bliuc, A.-M., '‘It’s okay to be racist’: moral disengagement in online discussions of racist incidents in Australia' (2016), Ethnic and Racial Studies [online], p.1-19
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Fazil, M., Khan, S., Albahlal, B.M., Alotaibi, R.M., Siddiqui, T. & Shah, M.A., 'Attentional Multi-Channel Convolution With Bidirectional LSTM Cell Toward Hate Speech Prediction' (2023), IEEE Access, 11, pp. 16801-16811
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Febriana, T. & Budiarto, A., 'Twitter Dataset for Hate Speech and Cyberbullying Detection in Indonesian Language' (2019), Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Information Management and Technology, ICIMTech 2019, pp. 379-382
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Febriana, T. & Budiarto, A., 'Annotation System to Build Cyberbullying and Hate Speech Detection Model Training Dataset' (2020), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 3432054, pp. 29-30
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Federman, C., 'Varieties of censorship: Hate speech, pornography, and the First Amendment' (2021), First Amendment Studies [online]
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Fell, M., Akhtar, S. & Basile, V., 'Mining Annotator Perspectives from Hate Speech Corpora' (2021), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3015
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Feng, S., Park, C.Y., Liu, Y. & Tsvetkov, Y., 'From Pretraining Data to Language Models to Downstream Tasks: Tracking the Trails of Political Biases Leading to Unfair NLP Models' (2023), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1, pp. 11737–11762
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Ferber, A.L. & Cazenave, N.A., 'Silencing and Distracting: The Enduring Strategies of White Supremacy in Academia' (2023), in N.P. Shultz (ED.) Revising the Curriculum and Co-Curriculum to Engage Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (pp. 137-150), New York: Routledge
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Fernández Villanueva, C. & Bayarri Toscano, G., 'Legitimation of hate and political violence through memetic images: The Bolsonaro campaign' (2021), Communication and Society, 34(2), pp. 449-468
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Fernando, W.S.S., Weerasinghe, R. & Bandara, E.R.A.D., 'Sinhala Hate Speech Detection in Social Media Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning' (2022), 22nd International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, ICTer 2022, pp. 166-171
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Fernquist, J., Lindholm, O., Kaati, L. & Akrami, N., 'A Study on the Feasibility to Detect Hate Speech in Swedish' (2019), Proceedings - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2019, 9005534, pp. 4724-4729
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Ferreira, R.R. & Alcantara, J., 'The Hate Office? Bolsonaro’s Discourse and COVID-19 Online Disinformation' (2023), International Journal of Communication, 17, pp. 6424–6446
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Ferron, I., 'Dark and Violent Language: A Linguistic Analysis of Hate Speech in 19th Century Germany Based on the Works of Ernst Moritz Arndt, Otto Böckel and Wilhelm Marr | Dunkle und gewaltvolle Sprache: Eine linguistische Analyse der Hassrede in Deutschland des 19. Jahrhunderts anhand der Werke von Ernst Moritz Arndt, Otto Böckel und Wilhelm Marr' (2023), Aussiger Beitrage, 17, pp. 13–32
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Fersini, E., Rizzi, G., Saibene, A. & Gasparini, F., 'Misogynous MEME Recognition: A Preliminary Study' (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13196 LNAI, pp. 279-293
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Fetahi, E., Hamiti, M., Susuri, A., Shehu, V. & Besimi, A., 'Automatic Hate Speech Detection using Natural Language Processing: A state-of-the-art literature review' (2023), 12th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2023
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Fha, S., Sharma, U. & Naleer, H.M.M., 'Development of an Efficient Method to Detect Mixed Social Media Data with Tamil-English Code Using Machine Learning Techniques' (2023), ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 22(2), 61
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Fiala, L. & Husovec, M., 'Using experimental evidence to improve delegated enforcement' (2022), International Review of Law and Economics, 71, 106079
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Fifolt, M., Gurley, D.K. & White, D., 'Demonstrating resilience in the face of adversity: an embedded phenomenological case study of the Magic City Acceptance Academy' (2023), Journal of LGBT Youth [online]
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Fılıbelı, T.E. & Ertuna, C., 'Sarcasm Beyond Hate Speech: Facebook Comments on Syrian Refugees in Turkey' (2021), International Journal of Communication, 15, pp. 2236-2259
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Fillies, J., Hoffmann, M.P. & Paschke, A., 'Multilingual Hate Speech Detection: Comparison of Transfer Learning Methods to Classify German, Italian, and Spanish Posts' (2023), Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, BigData 2023, pp. 5503–5511
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Fillies, J., Solorzano Niederhausen, R., Peikert, S. & Paschke, A., 'Student’s View on Hate Speech: Gamified Annotation for Educational Use' (2023), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14046 LNCS, pp. 299–312
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Findawati, Y., Pramana, K.A., Raharjo, A.B., Abadi, T.W. & Purwitasari, D., 'Aspect Based Multilabel Text Classification for Identifying Dangerous Speech Twitter Text' (2022), 2022 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology, ICoICT 2022, pp. 179-183
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Fino, A., 'Defining Hate Speech' (2020), Journal of International Criminal Justice, 18(1), pp. 31-57
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Fino, A., 'A critique of the UN Strategy and Guidance on ‘Hate Speech’: Some Legal Considerations' (2023), Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 41(4), pp. 190–213
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Fiok, K., Karwowski, W., Gutierrez, E., Liciaga, T., Belmonte, A. & Capobianco, R., 'Automated classification of evidence of respect in the communication through Twitter' (2021), Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(3),1294, pp. 1-16
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Firmino, A.A., de Baptista, C.S. & de Paiva, A.C., 'Using Cross Lingual Learning for Detecting Hate Speech in Portuguese' (2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12924 LNCS, pp. 170-175
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Firmino, A.A., de Souza Baptista, C. & de Paiva, A.C., 'Improving hate speech detection using Cross-Lingual Learning' (2024), Expert Systems with Applications, 235, 121115
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Fischer, C., 'Die Fallstudie Internethetze. Entwurf und Diskussion einer Unterrichtsreihe über Grundrechte und Werte' (2017), GWP - Gesellschaft. Wirtschaft. Politik, 1, pp.137-147
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Fischer-Lessiak, G., Sackl-Sharif, S. & Millner, C., 'Online Hate Speech: User Perception and Experience Between Law and Ethics' (2022), 9th European Conference on Social Media, ECSM 2022, pp. 48-56
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Fišer, D. & Smith, P., 'The Dark Side of Digital Platforms: Linguistic Investigations of Socially Unacceptable Online Discourse Practices' (2020), Ljublijan, Slovenia: Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts
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Fisher, A., 'Regulating hate speech' (2007), in Keyzer, P. (ed.) Racism, Religious Intolerance and the Law. Broadway NSW: Halstead Press.

Fitzsimons, A., 'Intersectional Identities and Machine Learning: Illuminating Language Biases in Twitter Algorithms' (2022), Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022-January, pp. 2880-2889
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Fkih, F. & Al-Turaif, G., 'Threat Modelling and Detection Using Semantic Network for Improving Social Media Safety' (2023), International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security, 15(1), pp. 39-53
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Flahvin, A., 'Can legislation prohibiting hate speech be justified in light of free speech principles?' (1995), University of New South Wales Law Journal, 18(2), pp.327-340
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Fletcher, A., 'Black Gamer’s Refuge: Finding Community within the Magic Circle of Whiteness' (2022), in E. Costa, P.G. Lange, N. Haynes & J. Sinanan (Eds.) The Routledge Companion to Media Anthropology (pp. 368-378), London: Routledge
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Florio, K., Basile, V. & Patti, V., 'Hate speech and topic shift in the covid-19 public discourse on social media in Italy' (2021), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3033
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Florio, K., Basile, V., Lai, M. & Patti, V., 'Leveraging Hate Speech Detection to Investigate Immigration-Related Phenomena in Italy' (2019), 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos, ACIIW 2019, 8925079, pp. 219-225
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Florio, K., Basile, V., Polignano, M., Basile, P. & Patti, V., 'Time of Your Hate: The Challenge of Time in Hate Speech Detection on Social Media' (2020), Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(12), 4180
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Floyd, R., 'Parallels with the hate speech debate: The pros and cons of criminalising harmful securitising requests' (2017), Review of International Studies [online], pp.1-21
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Fokou, G., Yamo, A., Kone, S., Koffi, A.J.D. & Davids, Y.D., 'Xenophobic violence in South Africa, online disinformation and offline consequences' (2022), African Identities [online]
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Fong, J.C.G., Cortés, F.I.G. & Villanueva, Ó.M.M., 'Ideological Manipulation on Social Media: Harassment, Deception and Violence in the Digital Environment | [Manipulação ideológica nas redes sociais: assédio, fraude e violência no ambiente digital]' (2022), Palabra Clave, 25(3)
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