Publications: Hate speech


Mohtaj, S. & Möller, S., 'On the Importance of Word Embedding in Automated Harmful Information Detection' (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13502 LNAI, pp. 251-262
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Mojzis, J. & Kvassay, M., 'New Public Dataset for Classification of Inappropriate Comments in Slovak language' (2022), 20th Anniversary of IEEE International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications, ICETA 2022 – Proceedings, pp. 437-441
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Mokhberi, M., Biswas, A., Masud, Z., Kteily-Hawa, R., Goldstein, A., Gillis, J.R., Rayana, S. & Ahmed, S.I., 'Development of a COVID-19–Related Anti-Asian Tweet Data Set: Quantitative Study' (2023), JMIR Formative Research, 7, e40403
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Molero, J.M., Perez-Martin, J., Rodrigo, A. & Penas, A., 'Offensive Language Detection in Spanish Social Media: Testing from Bag-of-Words to Transformers Models' (2023), IEEE Access [online]
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Molina-Villegas, A., Cattin, T., Gazca-Hernandez, K. & Aldana-Bobadilla, E., 'High-Quality Data from Crowdsourcing towards the Creation of a Mexican Anti-Immigrant Speech Corpus' (2023), Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13(14), 8417
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Molnar, L., 'The Law of the Jungle: The Online Hate-speech Against the Roma in Romania' (2021), Victims and Offenders [online]
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Monakhova, T. & Tuluzakova, O., 'Hate Speech in Ukrainian Media Discourse' (2022), Cognitive Studies, 2022(22), 2624
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Monnier, A., Boursier, A. & Seoane, A. (Eds.), 'Cyberhate in the Context of Migrations' (2022), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Montariol, S., Riabi, A. & Seddah, D., 'Multilingual Auxiliary Tasks Training: Bridging the Gap between Languages for Zero-Shot Transfer of Hate Speech Detection Models' (2022), 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing - Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: AACL-IJCNLP 2022, pp. 347-363
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Montefalcon, M.D., Padilla, J.R., Paulino, J., Go, J., Llabanes Rodriguez, R. & Imperial, J.M., 'Understanding Facial Expression Expressing Hate from Online Short-form Videos' (2021), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 201-207
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Montero, A.I., Laforgue-Bullido, N. & Abril-Hervás, D., 'Hate speech: a systematic review of scientific production and educational considerations | [Discursos de odio: revisión sistemática de la producción científica y consideraciones educativas]' (2022), Revista Fuentes, 24(2), pp. 222-233
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Montesinos-Cánovas, E., García-Sánchez, F., García-Díaz, J.A., Alcaraz-Mármol, G. & Valencia-García, R., 'Spanish hate-speech detection in football | Detección de odio en fútbol en español' (2023), Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, (71), pp. 15–27
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Mookdarsanit, L. & Mookdarsanit, P., 'Combating the hate speech in Thai textual memes' (2021), Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 21(3), pp. 1493-1502
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Morada, N.M., 'Hate Speech and Incitement in Myanmar before and after the February 2021 Coup' (2023),
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Morales, A.G., 'Hate Speech and Binary Exclusions in Europe: A Digital and Communicative Approach' (2022), Age of Human Rights Journal, 18, pp. 199-220
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Morales, V.Y.G., Quesada, J.B. & Torrens, X., 'Dialogic literature for preventing violent extremism: Ustaša hate speech | [Literatura dialógica en la prevención del extremismo violento: el discurso de odio ustacha]' (2021), Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals, (128), pp. 201-223
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Morbidoni, C. & Sarra, A., 'Can LLMs assist humans in assessing online misogyny? Experiments with GPT-3.5' (2023), Proceedings of GENerative, Explainable and Reasonable Artificial Learning Workshop 2023, pp. 31–43
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Morgan, M. & Kulkarni, A., 'Platform-agnostic Model to Detect Sinophobia on Social Media' (2023), ACMSE 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Southeast Conference, pp. 149–153
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Moriña, A.J.M., Pásaro, J.R., Vázquez, J.M. & Álvarez, V.P., 'I2C-UHU at IberLEF-2023 HOMO-MEX task: Ensembling Transformers Models to Identify and Classify Hate Messages Towards the Community LGBTQ+' (2023), Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2023) co-located with the Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2023)
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Mossie, Z., 'Social Media Dark Side Content Detection Using Transfer Learning Emphasis on Hate and Conflict' (2020), The Web Conference 2020 - Companion of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2020, pp. 259-263
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Mossie, Z. & Wang, J.-H., 'Vulnerable Community Identification Using Hate Speech Detection on Social Media' (2019), Information Processing and Management [online]
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Mostafa, A., Mohamed, O. & Ashraf, A., 'GOF at Arabic Hate Speech 2022: Breaking The Loss Function Convention For Data-Imbalanced Arabic Offensive Text Detection' (2022), 5th Workshop Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools with Shared Tasks on Qur'an QA and Fine-Grained Hate Speech Detection, OSACT 2022 - Proceedings at Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022, pp. 167-175
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Mostafazadeh Davani, A., Kiela, D., Lambert, M., Vidgen, B., Prabhakaran, V. & Waseem, Z. (Eds.), 'Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (WOAH 2021)' (2021), Association for Computational Linguistics - 5th Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (6 August 2021, Bangkok, Thailand)
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Motwakel, A., Al-Onazi, B.B., Alzahrani, J.S., Alazwari, S., Othman, M., Zamani, A.S., Yaseen, I. & Abdelmageed, A.A., 'Improved Ant Lion Optimizer with Deep Learning Driven Arabic Hate Speech Detection' (2023), Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 46(3), pp. 3321-3338
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Mou, G. & Lee, K., 'An Effective, Robust and Fairness-aware Hate Speech Detection Framework' (2021), Proceedings - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2021, pp. 687-697
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Moy, T.X., Raheem, M. & Logeswaran, R., 'Hate Speech Detection in English and Non-English Languages: A Review of Techniques and Challenges' (2021), Webology, 18(Special Issue), pp. 929-938
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Mozafari, M., Farahbakhsh, R. & Crespi, N., 'Cross-Lingual Few-Shot Hate Speech and Offensive Language Detection using Meta Learning' (2022), IEEE Access [online]
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Mozafari, M., Farahbakhsh, R. & Crespi, N., 'Hate Speech Detection and Racial Bias Mitigation in Social Media Based on BERT Model' (2020), PLOS One, 15(8), pp. e0237861
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Mozafari, M., Farahbakhsh, R. & Crespi, N., 'A BERT-Based Transfer Learning Approach for Hate Speech Detection in Online Social Media' (2020), Studies in Computational Intelligence, 881 SCI, pp. 928-940
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Mpofu, P., Fadipe, I.A. & Tshabangu, T. (Eds.), 'African Language Media' (2023), London: Routledge
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Mróz, J. & Kaleta, K., 'Internet Addiction as a Moderator of the Relationship between Cyberhate Severity and Decisional Forgiveness' (2022), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(10), 5844
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Msughter, A.E., 'Comparative Study of Hate Speech in the 2015 and 2019 General Elections in Three Selected Newspapers in Nigeria' (2024), Journal of Asian and African Studies [online]
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Muaad, A.Y., Hanumanthappa, J.J.D., Prakash, S.P.S., Al-Sarem, M., Ghabban, F., Bibal Benifa, J.V. & Chola, C., 'Arabic Hate Speech Detection Using Different Machine Learning Approach' (2023), Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 179, pp. 429–438
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Mubarak, H., Abdaljalil, S., Nassar, A. & Alam, F., 'Detecting and identifying the reasons for deleted tweets before they are posted' (2023), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 6, 1219767
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Mubarak, H., Hassan, S. & Chowdhury, S.A., 'Emojis as anchors to detect Arabic offensive language and hate speech' (2023), Natural Language Engineering [online]
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Mubarak, H., Rashed, A., Darwish, K., Samih, Y. & Abdelali, A., 'Arabic Offensive Language on Twitter: Analysis and Experiments' (2021), WANLP 2021 - 6th Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop, Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 126-135
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Muhammad, I.Z., Nasrun, M. & Setianingsih, C., 'Hate Speech Detection Using Global Vector and Deep Belief Network Algorithm' (2020), 2020 1st International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Practices, IBDAP 2020, 9245467
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Muinao, A.B. & Ratnamala, V., 'YouTube discourse of the Oting massacre in Nagaland: investigating affiliations, sentiments and Naga identity negotiation in YouTube comments' (2023), Media, War and Conflict [online]
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Mukherjee, S. & Das, S., 'Application of Transformer-Based Language Models to Detect Hate Speech in Social Media' (2023), Journal of Computational and Cognitive Engineering, 2(4), pp. 278–286
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Mulki, H. & Ghanem, B., 'ArMI at FIRE 2021: Overview of the First Shared Task on Arabic Misogyny Identification' (2021), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3159, pp. 820-830
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Mulki, H., Alabdullah, S., Halil, A., Al-Ali, N., Kyriakidou, M. & Stavinoha, L., 'Online Toxicity Against Syrians in Turkish Twitter: Analysis and Implications' (2024), International Journal of Communication, 18, pp. 191–218
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Mullah, N.S. & Zainon, W.M.N.W., 'Advances in Machine Learning Algorithms for Hate Speech Detection in Social Media: A Review' (2021), IEEE Access, 9, 9455353, pp. 88364-88376
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Mullah, N.S. & Zainon, W.M.N.W., 'Advances in Machine Learning Algorithms for Hate Speech Detection in Social Media: A Review' (2021), IEEE Access [online]
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Mullah, N.S. & Zainon, W.M.N.W., 'Improving detection accuracy of politically motivated cyber-hate using heterogeneous stacked ensemble (HSE) approach' (2022), Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing [online]
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Müller, A. & Lopez-Sanchez, M., 'Countering Negative Effects of Hate Speech in a Multi-Agent Society' (2021), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 339, pp. 103-112
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Müller, K. & Schwarz, C., 'From Hashtag to Hate Crime: Twitter and Antiminority Sentiment' (2023), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 15(3), pp. 270–312
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Mullick, S.S., Bhambhani, M.P., Sinha, S., Mathur, A., Gupta, S. & Shah, J., 'Content Moderation for Evolving Policies using Binary Question Answering' (2023), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 5, pp. 561–573
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Munasinghe, S. & Thayasivam, U, 'A Deep Learning Ensemble Hate Speech Detection Approach for Sinhala Tweets' (2022), MERCon 2022 - Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference, Proceedings
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Mundenda, D., 'Re-reading John 3:26–27: A comparative analysis of the politics of intolerance in Zimbabwe' (2023), HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 79(4), a9009
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Mundra, S. & Mittal, N., 'FA-Net: fused attention-based network for Hindi English code-mixed offensive text classification' (2022), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12(1), 100
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