Publications: Hate speech


Pickard, T., Loakman, T. & Pandya, M., 'shefnlp at SemEval-2023 Task 10: Compute-Efficient Category Adapters' (2023), 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, SemEval 2023 - Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 1069–1075
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Pickles, J., 'Sociality of hate: The transmission of victimization of LGBT+ people through social media' (2020), International Review of Victimology [online]
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Piñeiro-Otero, T. & Martínez-Rolán, X., 'Step outside and say that: Analysis of hate speech against women on Twitter | [Eso no me lo dices en la calle. Análisis del discurso del odio contra las mujeres en Twitter]' (2021), Profesional de la Informacion, 30(5), e300502
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Pintak, L., Bowe, B.J. & Albright, J., 'Influencers, Amplifiers, and Icons: A Systematic Approach to Understanding the Roles of Islamophobic Actors on Twitter' (2021), Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly [online]
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Pira, F., 'Disinformation a problem for democracy: profiling and risks of consensus manipulation' (2023), Frontiers in Sociology, 8, 1150753
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Pitsilis, G.K., Ramampiaro, H. & Langseth, H., 'Effective hate-speech detection in Twitter data using recurrent neural networks' (2018), Appl Intell, 48(12), pp.4730-4742
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Plakidis, M. & Rehm, G., 'A Dataset of Offensive German Language Tweets Annotated for Speech Acts' (2022), 2022 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022, pp. 4799-4807
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Plaza-Del-Arco, F.-M., Molina-González, M.D., Ureña-López, L.A. & Martín-Valdivia, M.T., 'Detecting Misogyny and Xenophobia in Spanish Tweets Using Language Technologies' (2020), ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 20(2), 3369869
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Plaza-del-Arco, F.M., Molina-González, M.D., Ureña-López, L.A. & Martín-Valdivia, M.T., 'Comparing Pre-Trained Language Models for Spanish Hate Speech Detection' (2021), Expert Systems with Applications, 166, 114120
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Plaza-Del-Arco, F.M., Molina-Gonzalez, M.D., Urena-Lopez, L.A. & Martin-Valdivia, M.T., 'A multi-task learning approach to hate speech detection leveraging sentiment analysis' (2021), IEEE Access, 9, 9509436, pp. 112478-112489
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Plaza-Del-Arco, F.M., Nozza, D. & Hovy, D., 'Respectful or Toxic? Using Zero-Shot Learning with Language Models to Detect Hate Speech' (2023), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 60–68
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Plhák, J., Sotolář, O., Lebedíková, M. & Šmahel, D., 'Classification of Adolescents’ Risky Behavior in Instant Messaging Conversations' (2023), Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 206, pp. 2390–2404
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Pluta, A., Mazurek, J., Wojciechowski, J., Wolak, J., Soral, W. & Bilewicz, M., 'Exposure to hate speech deteriorates neurocognitive mechanisms of the ability to understand others’ pain' (2023), Scientific Reports, 13(1), 4127
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Poblete, B., 'Mining social networks to learn about rumors, hate speech, bias and polarization – Abstract' (2020), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2758, pp. 1-2
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Pohjonen, M., 'Horizons of hate: A comparative approach to social media hate speech' (2018), VOX-Pol Network of Excellence
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Pohlmann, J., Barbaresi, A. & Leinen, P., 'Platform regulation and overblocking – The NetzDG discourse in Germany' (2023), Communications [online]
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Polański, P.P., 'Rethinking the notion of hosting in the aftermath of Delfi: Shifting from liability to responsibility?' (2018), Computer Law & Security Review [online], pp.1-11
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Polignano, M., Basile, P., de Gemmis, M. & Semeraro, G., 'Hate Speech Detection Through Alberto Italian Language Understanding Model' (2019), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2521
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Polignano, M., Colavito, G., Musto, C., De Gemmis, M. & Semeraro, G., 'Lexicon Enriched Hybrid Hate Speech Detection with Human-Centered Explanations' (2022), UMAP2022 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, pp. 184-191
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Polli, C. & Sindoni, M.G., 'Multimodal computation or interpretation? Automatic vs. critical understanding of text-image relations in racist memes in English' (2024), Discourse, Context and Media, 57, 100755
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Polymenopoulou, E., 'Arts, censorship and the Greek law' (2017), International Human Rights Law Review, 6(1), pp.109-132
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Pookpanich, P. & Siriborvornratanakul, T., 'Offensive language and hate speech detection using deep learning in football news live streaming chat on YouTube in Thailand' (2024), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 14(1), 18
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Poole, E., Giraud, E. & de Quincey, E.,, 'Contesting #StopIslam: The Dynamics of a counter-narrative against right-wing populism' (2019), Open Library of Humanities, 5(1) [online]
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Poole, E., Giraud, E.H., Richardson, J.E. & de Quincey, E., 'Expedient, Affective, and Sustained Solidarities? Mediated Contestations of Islamophobia in the Case of Brexit, the Christchurch Terror Attack, and the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2023), Social Media and Society, 9(3)
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Popa-Wyatt, M., 'Online Hate: Is Hate an Infectious Disease? Is Social Media a Promoter?' (2023), Journal of Applied Philosophy [online]
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Posselt, G., 'Can hatred speak? On the linguistic dimensions of hate crime' (2017), Linguistik Online, 82(3), pp.5-25
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Poulakidakos, S., Veneti, A. & Rovisco, M. (Eds.), 'Social Movements and Everyday Acts of Resistance: Solidarity in a Changing World' (2023), London: Routledge
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Poulton, E., '“What have 6 million dead people got to do with football?”: How Anglo-Jewish football supporters experience and respond to antisemitism and “banter”' (2023), Ethnic and Racial Studies [online]
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Powell, R., 'Toothless Rhetoric or Strategic Polemic? A Textual and Contextual Analysis of Japan’s Hate Speech Law' (2022), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law [online]
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Powell, A. & Williams-Johnson, D., '“You dumb cracker b*tch”: The legitimizing of White supremacy during a Twitch ban of HasanAbi' (2023), New Media and Society [online]
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Powell, A., Flynn, A. & Sugiura, L. (Eds.), 'The Palgrave Handbook of Gendered Violence and Technology' (2022), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Pradel, F., 'Influence of hate speech about refugees in search algorithms on political attitudes: An online experiment' (2024), New Media and Society [online]
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Pradhan, R., Chaturvedi, A., Tripathi, A. & Sharma, D.K., 'A Review on Offensive Language Detection' (2020), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 94, pp. 433-439
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Pradhan, T., Bhutkar, G. & Pangaonkar, A., 'Prototype Design of a Multi-modal AI-Based Web Application for Hateful Content Detection in Social Media Posts' (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13198 LNCS, pp. 404-411
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Prakash, B.A., Wang, D. & Weninger, T. (Eds.), 'Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2023' (2023), New York: Association for Computing Machinery
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Pranith, P., Samhita, V., Sarath, D. & Thenmozhi, D., 'Homophobia and Transphobia Detection of Youtube Comments in Code-Mixed Dravidian Languages using Deep learning' (2022), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3395, pp. 117-123
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Prasad, D., Kadambari, K.V., Mukati, R. & Singariya, S., 'Real-Time Multi-Lingual Hate and Offensive Speech Detection in Social Networks Using Meta-Learning' (2023), IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, pp. 31–35
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Prasad, N., Saha, S. & Bhattacharyya, P., 'A Multimodal Classification of Noisy Hate Speech using Character Level Embedding and Attention' (2021), Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2021-July
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Prasanna Kumar, R., Bharathi Mohan, G., Elakkiya, R. & Varsha, P., 'A Comparison of Word Embeddings for Comment Toxicity Detection: Detection Power of Computer' (2023), 2023 International Conference on Communication, Security and Artificial Intelligence, ICCSAI 2023, pp. 393–398
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Prasetyo, V.R. & Samudra, A.H., 'Hate speech content detection system on Twitter using K-nearest neighbor method' (2022), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2470, 050001
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Pratiwi, R.W., Handayani, S.F., Dairoh, D. & Af'Idah, D.I., 'Sentiment analysis on Twitter reviews data using the bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLTM)' (2024), AIP Conference Proceedings, 3070(1), 030021
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Pratiwit, N.I., Budi, I. & Jiwanggi, M.A., 'Hate Speech Identification Using the Hate Codes for Indonesian Tweets' (2019), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 128-133
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Pratten, E., 'The Manosphere: Incel as Transmedial Construction' (2023), in J. Dalby & M. Freeman (Eds.) Transmedia Selves: Identity and Persona Creation in the Age of Mobile and Multiplatform Media (pp. 147-160), London: Routledge
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Prażmo, E., 'Foids are worse than animals. A cognitive linguistics analysis of dehumanizing metaphors in online discourse' (2020), Topics in Linguistics, 21(2), pp. 16-27
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Preetham, J. & Anitha, J., 'Offensive Language Detection in Social Media Using Ensemble Techniques' (2023), Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuit Power and Computing Technologies, ICCPCT 2023, pp. 805–808
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Preisker, J., 'On mediated disrespect: Theoretical considerations about the political sphere in social media' (2022), in D. Della Ratta, G. Lovink, T. Numerico & P. Sarram (Eds.) The Aesthetics and Politics of the Online Self: A Savage Journey into the Heart of Digital Cultures (pp. 61–78), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Pribanic-Smith, E.J. & Schroeder, J., 'Breaking the White Circle: How the Press and Courts Quieted a Chicago Hate Group, 1949–1952' (2021), American Journalism, 38(4), pp. 416-449
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Prithila, S.J., Tonima, F.H., Oishi, T.T., Islam, M.N., Rhythm, E.R., Amit, A.M. & Rasel, A.A., 'Detecting Derogatory Comments on Women using Transformer-Based Models' (2023), Proceeding - COMNETSAT 2023: IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite, pp. 278–284
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Priya & Gupta, S., 'Identification of Political Hate Speech Using Machine Learning-Based Text Toxicity Analysis' (2023), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 516, pp. 217-236
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Priya & Gupta, S., 'Hate Speech Detection using OpenAI and GPT-3' (2022), International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 12(5), pp. 132-138
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