Publications: Hate speech


Reichelmann, A., Hawdon, J., Costello, M., Ryan, J., Blaya, C., Llorent, V., Oksanen, A., Räsänen, P. & Zych, I., 'Hate Knows No Boundaries: Online Hate in Six Nations' (2020), Deviant Behavour [online]
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Reid, A., 'Does Regulating Hate Speech Undermine Democratic Legitimacy? A Cautious “No”' (2019), Res Publica [online]
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Reid, A., '‘Buses and Breaking Point: Freedom of Expression and the “Brexit” Campaign’' (2019), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice [online]
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Reitz, C., 'Herbert Marcuse Today: On Ecological Destruction, Neofascism, White Supremacy, Hate Speech, Racist Police Killings, and the Radical Goals of Socialism' (2021), Theory, Culture and Society [online]
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Rekker, R. & Van Spanje, J., 'Hate Speech Prosecution of Politicians and its Effect on Support for the Legal System and Democracy' (2020), British Journal of Political Science [online]
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Relia, K., Li, Z., Cook, S.H., Chunara, R., 'Race, Ethnicity and National Origin-Based Discrimination in Social Media and Hate Crimes Across 100 U.S. Cities' (2019), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web and Social Media, ICWSM 2019, pp. 417-427
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Remon, N.I., Tuli, N.H. & Akash, R.D., 'Bengali Hate Speech Detection in Public Facebook Pages' (2022), 2022 International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology, ICISET 2022, pp. 169-173
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Renton, D., 'No Free Speech for Fascists: Exploring ‘No Platform’ in History, Law and Politics' (2021), London: Routledge
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Ress, G., 'The Accountability of Social Network Account Holders – A Tightening of the Requirements by the ECtHR through its Sanchez v. France Judgment? | [Die Verantwortlichkeit der Inhaber von Konten bei sozialen Netzwerken – eine Verschärfung der Anforderungen durch den EGMR durch sein Urteil Sanchez gegen Frankreich?]' (2022), Zeitschrift fur Europarechtliche Studien, 25(1), pp. 75-88
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Retta, M., 'A pragmatic and discourse analysis of hate words on social media' (2023), Internet Pragmatics, 6(2), pp. 197–218
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Reyes, A. & Saldívar, R., 'Linguistic-based Approach for Recognizing Implicit Language in Hate Speech: Exploratory Insights' (2022), Computacion y Sistemas, 26(1), pp. 101-111
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Reza El Akbar, R., Shofa, R.N., Paripurna, M.I. & Supratman, 'The Implementation of Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Classifying Tweets Containing Hate Speech with Political Motive' (2019), ICSECC 2019 - International Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Creative Computing: New Idea, New Innovation Proceedings, 8907208, pp. 144-148
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Rezvi, M.R. & Hossain, M.R., 'Exploring issues of online hate speech against minority religious groups in Bangladesh' (2023), Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication [online]
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Ricca, M., 'The ‘Spaghettification’ of Performativity Across Cultural Boundaries: The Trans-culturality/Trans-Spatiality of Digital Communication As an Event Horizon for Speech Acts' (2022), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law [online]
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Richardson, C., Shah, S. & Yuan, X., 'Semi-Supervised Machine Learning for Analyzing COVID-19 Related Twitter Data for Asian Hate Speech' (2022), Proceedings - 21st IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2022, pp. 1643-1648
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Richardson, J.E., Giraud, E.H., Poole, E. & de Quincey, E., '‘Hypocrite!’ Affective and argumentative engagement on Twitter, following the Christchurch terrorist attack' (2024), Media, Culture and Society [online]
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Richardson-Self, L., 'Cis-Hetero-Misogyny Online' (2019), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice [online]
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Ridwanullah, A.O., Sule, S.Y., Usman, B. & Abdulsalam, L.U., 'Politicization of Hate and Weaponization of Twitter/X in a Polarized Digital Space in Nigeria' (2024), Journal of Asian and African Studies [online]
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Rieger, D., Kümpel, A.S., Wich, M., Kiening, T. & Groh, G., 'Assessing the Extent and Types of Hate Speech in Fringe Communities: A Case Study of Alt-Right Communities on 8chan, 4chan, and Reddit' (2021), Social Media and Society, 7(4)
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Riekkinen, J., 'Targeting Targeted Harassment: Problems with Criminalization and Platform Liability' (2022), Jusletter IT, (June), pp. 383-392
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Rifat, R.H., Shruti, A.C., Kamal, M. & Sadeque, F., 'ACSMKRHR at SemEval-2023 Task 10: Explainable Online Sexism Detection (EDOS)' (2023), 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, SemEval 2023 - Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 724–732
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Rini, Utami, E. & Hartanto, A.D., 'Systematic Literature Review of Hate Speech Detection with Text Mining' (2020), 2020 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent System, ICORIS 2020, 9320755
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Rinner, S., 'Slurs and Freedom of Speech' (2022), Journal of Applied Philosophy [online]
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Riquelme, F., Rivera, D. & Serrano, B., 'Analyzing the far-right political action on Twitter: The Chilean constituent process' (2022), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12(1), 161
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Rishi, P., Abhishek, K.S. & Rity Nivedha, Y., 'Hate Speech Detection in Tweets using Support Vector Machine' (2024), Proceedings - International Conference on Computing, Power, and Communication Technologies, IC2PCT 2024, pp. 1171–1175
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Rivadeneira-Pérez, E., de Jesús García-Santiago, M. & Callejas-Hernández, C., 'CIMAT-NLP at HOMO-MEX2023@IBERLEF: Machine Learning Techniques For Fine-grained Speech Detection Task' (2023), Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2023) co-located with the Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2023)
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Rivera-Martín, B., de Bartolomé Rincón, I.M. & López López, P.J., 'Hate speech towards LGTBIQ+ people: Media and social audience' (2022), Prisma Social, 39, pp. 213-233
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Riyadi, S., Andriyani, A.D., Masyhur, A.M., Damarjati, C. & Solihin, M.I., 'Detection of Indonesian Hate Speech on Twitter Using Hybrid CNN-RNN' (2023), Proceeding - International Conference on Information Technology and Computing 2023, ICITCOM 2023, pp. 352–356
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Rizos, G., Hemker, K. & Schuller, B., 'Augment to Prevent: Short-Text Data Augmentation in Deep Learning for Hate-Speech Classification' (2019), International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings, pp. 991-1000
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Rizzi, G., Astorino, A., Rosso, P. & Fersini, E., 'Unraveling Disagreement Constituents in Hateful Speech' (2024), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14611 LNCS, pp. 21–29
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Rizzi, G., Gasparini, F., Saibene, A., Rosso, P. & Fersini, E., 'Recognizing misogynous memes: Biased models and tricky archetypes' (2023), Information Processing and Management, 60(5), 103474
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Röbel, M., 'Hate Speech und die Grenzen der Kommunikation: Tillichs Fanatismus-Analysen im digitalen Zeitalter' (2022), in C. Danz, M. Dumas, W. Schüßler & B. Wagoner (Eds.) Liminal Spaces and Ethical Challenges: Yearbook 2021/2022 (pp. 93–115), Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter
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Roberts, J.M., 'Judith Butler, the Bakhtin Circle and Free Speech: State Hegemony, Race and Grievability in R.A.V. v. St Paul' (2022), Law and Critique [online]
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Robie, D., 'FRONTLINE New Zealand’s 23-day Parliament siege QAnon and how social media disinformation manufactured an ‘alternate reality’' (2022), Pacific Journalism Review, 28(1-2), pp. 105-113
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Robinson, A.N., 'Color-evasive free speech ideology: A conceptual analysis of free speech as racial oppression in U.S. higher education' (2021), Critical Studies in Education [online]
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Robinson, S. & Hiltz, E., 'Platformed misogyny in Depp v Heard: #justiceforjohnny and networked defamation' (2024), Feminist Media Studies [online]
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Robles, J.-M., Guevara, J.-A., Casas-Mas, B. & Gömez, D., 'When negativity is the fuel. Bots and Political Polarization in the COVID-19 debate | [Cuando la negatividad es el combustible. Bots y polarización política en el debate sobre el COVID-19]' (2022), Comunicar, 30(71), pp. 1-12
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Rodriguez, A., 'Problems With a Statement' (2020), First Amendment Studies [online]
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Rodriguez Martinez, P., Martinez Joya, L. & Villegas Lirola, F., 'Hate-Speech Countering by Immigrant and Pro-Immigrant Associations in Almeria (Spain)' (2024), Social Sciences, 13(1), 33
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Rodriguez, A., Chen, Y. & Argueta, C., 'FADOHS: Framework for Detection and Integration of Unstructured Data of Hate Speech on Facebook Using Sentiment and Emotion Analysis' (2022), IEEE Access [online]
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Rodríguez, J.J., de Castro, P.C. & Diez, I.E.S., 'Policies of miscommunication during COVID-19 pandemic in Spain: Manipulation strategies to blame the 8M demonstrations | [Políticas de incomunicación ante la COVID-19 en España: Estrategias de manipulación para la culpabilización de las manifestaciones del 8M]' (2021), Historia y Comunicacion Social, 26, pp. 31-40
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Rodríguez, S.E., Allende-Cid, H. & Allende, H., 'Detecting Hate Speech in Cross-Lingual and Multi-lingual Settings Using Language Agnostic Representations' (2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12702 LNCS, pp. 77-87
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Rodríguez-García, M.Á., Riaño-Martínez, A. & Herranz, S.M., 'URJC-Team at HOPE2023@IberLEF: Multilingual Hope Speech Detection Using Transformers Architecture' (2023), Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2023) co-located with the Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2023)
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Roig, F.J.A., 'An Analytic and Liberal Defense of Freedom of Expression | [Una defensa analítica y liberal de la libertad de expresión]' (2022), Diritto and Questioni Pubbliche, 22(1), pp. 245-252
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Rojszczak, M., 'Online content filtering in EU law – A coherent framework or jigsaw puzzle?' (2022), Computer Law and Security Review, 47, 105739
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Rollnert Liern, G., 'Hate speech: A critical view of the international regulation' (2019), Revista Espanola de Derecho Constitucional, 115, pp. 81-109
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Román-San-Miguel, A., Olivares-García, F.J. & Jiménez-Zafra, S.M., 'Hate speech on Twitter during the Ceuta migration crisis in May 2021 | [El discurso de odio en Twitter durante la crisis migratoria de Ceuta en mayo de 2021]' (2022), Icono14, 20(2)
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Romero, N., 'Punx Up, Bros Down: Defending Free Speech Through Punk Rock Pedagogy' (2020), Educational Philosophy and Theory [online]
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Romero-Vega, R.R., Cumbicus-Pineda, O.M., López-Lapo, R.A. & Neyra-Romero, L.A., 'Detecting Xenophobic Hate Speech in Spanish Tweets Against Venezuelan Immigrants in Ecuador Using Natural Language Processing' (2021), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1388 CCIS, pp. 312-326
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Romero‐Rodríguez, L.M., Castillo‐Abdul, B. & Cuesta‐Valiño, P., 'The Process of the Transfer of Hate Speech to Demonization and Social Polarization' (2023), Politics and Governance, 11(2), pp. 109-113
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