Publications: Hate speech


Soral, W., Malinowska, K. & Bilewicz, M., 'The Role of Empathy in Reducing Hate Speech Proliferation. Two Contact-Based Interventions in Online and Off-line Settings' (2022), Peace and Conflict [online]
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Soral, W., Świderska, A., Puchała, D. & Bilewicz, M., 'Desensitization to hate speech: Examination using heart rate measurement' (2023), Aggressive Behavior [online]
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Sorato, D., 'Using Word Embeddings for Immigrant and Refugee Stereotype Quantification in a Diachronic and Multilingual Setting' (2022), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3270, pp. 58-66
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Sorato, D., Goularte, F.B. & Fileto, R., 'Short Semantic Patterns: A Linguistic Pattern Mining Approach for Content Analysis Applied to Hate Speech' (2020), International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 29(2), 2040002
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Šori, I. & Vehovar, V., 'Reported User-Generated Online Hate Speech: The ‘Ecosystem’, Frames, and Ideologies' (2022), Social Sciences, 11(8), 375
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Soria, M.G.C. & Castiglioni, M.C., 'Media and information literacy and hate speech: a necessary relationship | Letramento midiático e informacional e discurso de ódio: uma relação necessária' (2024), Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciencia da Informacao, 17(1), pp. 175–190
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Sosinski, M. & Sánchez García, F.J., '“Invasion effect” Populism and ideology in the Spanish political discourse on refugees. The Vox case | [“Efecto invasión” Populismo e ideología en el discurso político español sobre los refugiados. El caso de Vox]' (2022), Discurso y Sociedad, 16(1), pp. 149-172
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Soto, C.A.A. & Sánchez, K.D.V., 'Internet Violence Against Chilean Feminists and Other Activists | [Violencia En Internet Contra Feministas Y Otras Activistas Chilenas]' (2019), Revista Estudos Feministas, 27(3), e58797
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Soto, C.P., Nunes, G.M.S., Gomes, J.G.R.C. & Nedjah, N., 'Application-specific word embeddings for hate and offensive language detection' (2022), Multimedia Tools and Applications [online]
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Sottiaux, S., 'Conflicting Conceptions of Hate Speech in the ECtHR’s Case Law' (2022), German Law Journal, 23(9), pp. 1193-1211
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Spada, I., Lai, M. & Patti, V., 'Inters8: A Corpus to Study Misogyny and Intersectionality on Twitter' (2023), Proceedings of the 9th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2023)
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Spinde, T., Richter, E., Wessel, M., Kulshrestha, J. & Donnay, K., 'What do Twitter comments tell about news article bias? Assessing the impact of news article bias on its perception on Twitter' (2023), Online Social Networks and Media, 37-38, 100264
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Sponholz, L., 'Hate Speech in den Massenmedien: Theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Umsetzung' (2018), Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
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Sponholz, L., 'Hate Speech in Sozialen Medien: Motor der Eskalation?' (2019), in H. Friese, M. Nolden & M. Schreiter (Eds.), Rassismus im Alltag (pp. 157-178). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag (in German only)
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Sponholz, L., 'Der Begriff „Hate Speech“ in der Deutschsprachigen Forschung. Eine Empirische Begriffsanalyse [The Concept “Hate Speech” in German-speaking Research. An Empirical Conceptual Analysis]' (2020), SWS-Rundschau 1, pp. 45-63 [in German only]
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Sponholz, L., & Christofoletti, R., 'From preachers to comedians: Ideal types of hate speakers in Brazil' (2019), Global Media and Communication, 15(1), pp. 67–84
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Šramel, B. & Horváth, P., 'Internet as the communication medium of the 21st century: Do we need a special legal regulation of freedom of expression on the internet?' (2021), Lawyer Quarterly, 11(1), pp. 141-157
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Sreelakshmi, K., Premjith, B. & Soman, K.P., 'Detection of Hate Speech Text in Hindi-English Code-mixed Data' (2020), Procedia Computer Science, 171, pp. 737-744
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Sreelakshmi, K., Premjith, B., Chakravarthi, B.R. & Soman, K.P., 'Detection of Hate Speech and Offensive Language CodeMix Text in Dravidian Languages using Cost-Sensitive Learning Approach' (2024), IEEE Access [online]
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Sreelakshmi, K., Premjith, B., Gopalakrishnan, E.A. & Soman, K.P., 'Study of Markov Chains for the Identification of the Hate Contents in Hinglish' (2022), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 446, pp. 215-224
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Srikissoon, T. & Marivate, V., 'Combating Hate: How Multilingual Transformers Can Help Detect Topical Hate Speech' (2023), EPiC Series in Computing, 93, pp. 203-215
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Srinivas, P.Y.K.L, Das, A. & Pulabaigari, V., 'Racists spreader is narcissistic; sexists is Machiavellian Influence of Psycho-Sociological Facets in hate-speech diffusion prediction' (2024), Expert Systems with Applications, 247, 123211
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Sriram, S., Chandran, P.P. & Shrijith, M.R., 'PoSh at SemEval-2023 Task 10: Explainable Detection of Online Sexism' (2023), 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, SemEval 2023 - Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 1276–1281
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Stahel, L. & Baier, D., 'Digital Hate Speech Experiences Across Age Groups and Their Impact on Well-Being: A Nationally Representative Survey in Switzerland' (2023), Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26(7), pp. 519–526
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Stajnko, J., Siter, D. & Tomažič, L.M., 'Discrimination, freedom of expression and two concepts of liberty: Assessing European legislation criminalizing hate speech' (2024), Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 64(2), pp. 288–307
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Stavros, S., 'The European Commission’s against racism and intolerance new general policy recommendation on combating hate speech' (2017), in J.-P. Jacque, F. Benoit-Rohmer, P. Grigoriou and M.D. Marouda (Eds.), On the international community: Legal, political, diplomatic issues, Liber Amicorum Stelios Perrakis (pp.413-420), I.Sideris

Stechemesser, A., Levermann, A. & Wenz, L., 'Temperature impacts on hate speech online: evidence from 4 billion geolocated tweets from the USA' (2022), The Lancet Planetary Health, 6(9), pp. e714-e725
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Stechemesser, A., Wenz, L. & Levermann, A., 'Corona Crisis Fuels Racially Profiled Hate in Social Media Networks' (2020), EClinicalMedicine, 100372 [online]
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Stechemesser, A., Wenz, L., Kotz, M. & Levermann, A., 'Strong increase of racist tweets outside of climate comfort zone in Europe' (2021), Environmental Research Letters, 16(11), 114001
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Stefanelli, F., Menesini, E., Nocentini, A. & Palladino, B.E., 'Exposure to and Speaking Up Against Online Ethnic Hate Speech: The Role of Xenophobia in a Three-Wave Longitudinal Study' (2023), Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking [online]
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Ştefăniţă, O. & Buf, D.-M., 'Hate speech in social media and its effects on the LGBT community: A review of the current research' (2021), Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 23(1), pp. 47-55
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Steuer, M., 'Cultural expertise, hate speech, and the far right: the Slovak Mazurek case' (2024), Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis [online]
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Stewart, J., 'Anti-Muslim Hate Speech and Displacement Narratives: Case Studies From Sri Lanka and Australia' (2019), Australian Journal of Social Issues [online]
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Stewart, N.K., Al-Rawi, A., Celestini, C. & Worku, N., 'Hate Influencers’ Mediation of Hate on Telegram: “We Declare War Against the Anti-White System”' (2023), Social Media and Society, 9(2)
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Stokes, S. & Davis, C.H.F., 'In Defense of Dignitary Safety: A Phenomenological Study of Student Resistance to Hate Speech on Campus' (2022), Peabody Journal of Education [online]
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Stone, A., 'How to think about the problem of hate speech: Understanding a comparative debate' (2007), in Gelber, K. & Stone, A. (eds.) Hate Speech and Freedom of Speech in Australia. The Federation Press.

Stone, A. & Schauer, F. (Eds.), 'The Oxford Handbook of Freedom of Speech' (2021), Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Strand, C. & Svensson, J., 'Foreign Norm Entrepreneurs’ Misinformation and Disinformation Narratives on LGBT+ Rights in Europe | [Borba protiv kampanja dezinformiranja i pogrešnog informiranja koje provode norm enterpreneurs, a usmjerene su na LGBTI+ zajednicu u Europi]' (2022), Medijska Istrazivanja, 28(2), pp. 109-132
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Stranisci, M.A., Frenda, S., Lai, M., Araque, O., Cignarella, A.T., Basile, V., Patti, V. & Bosco, C., 'O-Dang! The Ontology of Dangerous Speech Messages' (2022), 2nd Workshop on Sentiment Analysis and Linguistic Linked Data, SALLD 2022 - held in conjunction with the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2022 – Proceedings, pp. 2-8
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Stremlau, N. & Gagliardone, I., 'Socio-Legal Approaches to Online Hate Speech' (2019), in N. Creutzfeldt, M. Mason & K. McConnachie (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Socio-Legal Theory and Methods. London: Routledge
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Strmic-Pawl, H., Chito Childs, E. & Laudone, S., 'Asian-White Mixed Identity after COVID-19: Racist Racial Projects and the Effects on Asian Multiraciality' (2022), Genealogy, 6(2), 53
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Stroińska, M. & Cecchetto, V., 'Can There Be a ‘Safe Haven’ for Trauma Survivors in This Social Media Dominated World?' (2019), Trames, 23(2), pp. 223-238
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Struck, J. & Wagner, D., 'Online Hate Speech – Social Complexity of Individual Excesses. Micro- and Macro-Sociological Perspectives on Attributions of Inequality in Digital Speech Acts | [Online Hate Speech – gesellschaftliche Komplexität individueller Exzesse. Mikro- und makrosoziologische Perspektiven auf Ungleichwertigkeitszuschreibungen in digitalen Sprechakten]' (2022), Kriminologie, 4(2), pp. 179-195
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Su, L., Wang, Z., Peng, Y. & Sun, C., 'Identification of Offensive Language in Social Media Using Prompt Learning' (2023), Proceedings - 2023 IEEE 11th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, ICHI 2023, pp. 690–691
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Su, X., Li, Y., Branco, P. & Inkpen, D., 'SSL-GAN-RoBERTa: A robust semi-supervised model for detecting Anti-Asian COVID-19 hate speech on social media' (2023), Natural Language Engineering [online]
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Subramanian, M., Adhithiya, G.J., Gowthamkrishnan, S. & Deepti, R., 'Detecting Offensive Tamil Texts Using Machine Learning And Multilingual Transformer Models' (2022), 1st IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies and Systems for Next Generation Computing, ICSTSN 2022
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Subramanian, M., Easwaramoorthy Sathiskumar, V., Deepalakshmi, G., Cho, J. & Manikandan, G., 'A survey on hate speech detection and sentiment analysis using machine learning and deep learning models' (2023), Alexandria Engineering Journal, 80, pp. 110–121
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Sultan, D., Mussiraliyeva, S., Toktarova, A., Nurtas M., Iztayev Z., Zhaidakbaeva L., Shaimerdenova L., Akhmetova, O. & Omarov, B., 'Cyberbullying and Hate Speech Detection on Kazakh-Language Social Networks' (2021), Proceedings - 2021 7th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud, IEEE International Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, and IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data and Security, BigDataSecurity/HPSC/IDS 2021, 9463568, pp. 197-201
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Sultan, D., Omarov, B., Kozhamkulova, Z., Kazbekova, G., Alimzhanova, L., Dautbayeva, A., Zholdassov, Y. & Abdrakhmanov, R., 'A Review of Machine Learning Techniques in Cyberbullying Detection' (2023), Computers, Materials and Continua, 74(3), pp. 2625-2640
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Sultan, D., Toktarova, A., Zhumadillayeva, A., Aldeshov, S., Mussiraliyeva, S., Beissenova, G., Tursynbayev, A., Baenova, G. & Imanbayeva, A., 'Cyberbullying-related Hate Speech Detection Using Shallow-to-deep Learning' (2023), Computers, Materials and Continua, 74(1), pp. 2115-2131
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