Publications: Gender-based hate crime


Sian, K., 'Stupid Paki loving bitch: The politics of online Islamophobia and misogyny' (2018), in M. Bhatia, S. Poynting & W. Tufail (Eds), Media, Crime and Racism. Palgrave Studies in Crime, Media and Culture (pp.117-138). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
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Siapera, E. & Papadopoulou, L., 'The affective and political economy of hate journalism: Toxic masculinity, misogynism and homophobia in Greek extreme right-wing media | Η ΣΥΝΑΙΣΘΗΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΑΣ ΤΟΥ ΜΙΣΟΥΣ: ΤΟΞΙΚΗ ΑΡΡΕΝΩΠΟΤΗΤΑ, ΜΙΣΟΓΥΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΟΜΟΦΟΒΙΑ ΣΤΑ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ ΑΚΡΟΔΕΞΙΑ ΜΜΕ' (2023), Greek Review of Social Research, 161, pp. 73–93
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Silva, J.M., Ornat, M.J., Cabral, V. & Machado, D.L.C., '“When a Trans Is Killed, Another Thousand Rise!”: Transnecropolitics and Resistance in Brazil' (2022), in Rethinking Transgender Identities: Reflections from Around the Globe (pp. 198-209), London: Routledge
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Simm, G., 'Queering CEDAW? Sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) in international human rights law' (2021), Griffith Law Review [online]
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Singh, A., Dandona, A. & Sharma, V., 'Societal Refutation and Hate Crimes: Thematic Analysis of Exoticization and Victimization Experiences Among Young Trans People in India' (2022), Youth Voice Journal, 12
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Singh, S., Haridasan, A. & Mooney, R., '“Female Astronaut: Because sandwiches won’t make themselves up there!: Towards multi-modal misogyny detection in memes' (2023), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 150–159
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Sivanaiah, R., Angel Deborah, S., Sakaya Milton, R. & Mirnalinee, T.T., 'TechSSN at SemEval-2022 Task 5: Multimedia Automatic Misogyny Identification using Deep Learning Models' (2022), SemEval 2022 - 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 571-574
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Sjöholm, M., 'International Human Rights Law and Protection Against Gender-Based Harm on the Internet' (2022), Cham: Springer
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Smith, A., 'Unmasking the state: Racial/gender terror and hate crimes' (2007), Australian Feminist Law Journal, 26(1), pp.47-57
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Smith, J., '“It feels like a mini victory”: alternative routes to justice in experiences of online misogyny' (2023), in N. Booth, I. Masson & L. Baldwin (Eds.) Experiences of Punishment, Abuse and Justice by Women and Families: Volume 2 (pp. 110-131), Bristol, UK: Policy Press
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Smith, J., 'Bystander experiences of online gendered hate' (2022), in A. Powell, A. Flynn & L. Sugiura (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Gendered Violence and Technology (pp. 395-413), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Song, M., 'Detecting Misogynia in Italian Tweets: A Linguistic and Contextual based Method' (2022), Proceedings - 2022 International Conference on Computers, Information Processing and Advanced Education, CIPAE 2022, pp. 67-72
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Sosa, L., 'Now You See Me? The Visibility of Trans and Travesti Experiences in Criminal Procedures' (2020), Politics and Governance, 8(3), pp. 266-277
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Soto, C.A.A., 'Discourse by readers of digital media about police violence against women: Another form of virtual violence?' (2018), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico 24(2), pp. 1023-1041
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Spada, I., Lai, M. & Patti, V., 'Inters8: A Corpus to Study Misogyny and Intersectionality on Twitter' (2023), Proceedings of the 9th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2023)
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Spalek, B., 'Communities, identities and crime' (2008), Bristol: The Policy Press.

Sriram, S., Chandran, P.P. & Shrijith, M.R., 'PoSh at SemEval-2023 Task 10: Explainable Detection of Online Sexism' (2023), 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, SemEval 2023 - Proceedings of the Workshop, pp. 1276–1281
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Steinl, L., 'Hate crime and gender-based violence against women: An introduction from a criminal law perspective' (2019), Zeitschrift fur Rechtssoziologie, 38(2), pp. 179-207
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Stotzer, R.L., 'The intersection of suspect and victim race/ethnicity among anti-gay and anti-lesbian bias crimes' (2013), Psychology and Sexuality
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Sundén, J. & Paasonen, S., 'Shameless hags and tolerance whores: feminist resistance and the affective circuits of online hate' (2018), Feminist Media Studies 18(4), pp. 643-656
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Syeed, N., 'Decolonizing the Body, Pedagogies, and Anti-Asian Hate' (2023), Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 39(2), pp. 123–126
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Sykes, S. & Hopner, V., 'Tradwives: Right-Wing Social Media Influencers' (2024), Journal of Contemporary Ethnography [online]
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Tahsini, I. & Duci, V., 'Women and Politics: Coverage of 2021 Parliamentary Election Campaign in the Albanian Online Media' (2022), Global Social Welfare [online]
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Tate, S.A., 'Serena Williams and antiblack woman hate: Contempt, love, friendship, shame' (2022), in T. Reeser (Ed.) The Routledge Companion to Gender and Affect (pp. 70-78), London: Routledge
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Tell MAMA, 'Gendered anti-Muslim hatred and Islamophobia' (2018), London: Faith Matters
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Tjon Soei Len, L.K.L. & De Ruijter, A., 'Conceptualising the tortuous harms of sexist and racist hate speech' (2023), European Law Open, 2(1), pp. 8–29
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Tranchese, A. & Sugiura, L., '“I Don’t Hate All Women, Just Those Stuck-Up Bitches”: How Incels and Mainstream Pornography Speak the Same Extreme Language of Misogyny' (2021), Violence Against Women [online]
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Tranter, K. & Marusek, S., 'Cars and hate: Legal semiotics of automobility and combustion masculinity' (2023), in A. Wagner & S. Marusek (Eds.) Research Handbook on Legal Semiotics (pp. 376–393), Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing
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Tri Wibowo, B., Nurjanah, D. & Nurrahmi, H., 'Identification of Misogyny on Social Media in Indonesian Using Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)' (2023), 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication, ICAIIC 2023, pp. 401-406
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Trickett, L., 'Reflections on gendered masculine identities intargeted violence against ethnic minorities' (2014), in Hall, N., Corb, A., Giannasi, P. & Grieve, J. (eds.) (2014) The Routledge International Handbook on Hate Crime. London: Routledge

Trindade, L.V.P., 'Disparagement Humour and Gendered Racism on Social Media in Brazil' (2019), Ethnic and Racial Studies [online]
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Tsang, E.Y.H., '“Be the Dream Queen”: Gender Performativity, Femininity, and Transgender Sex Workers in China' (2021), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), 11168
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Tumber, H. & Waisbord, S. (Eds), 'The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism' (2021), London: Routledge
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Tunney, E., 'Misogyny and marginalization in criminal justice systems: Women’s experiences in two post-conflict societies' (2014), Journal of Hate Studies, 12(1), pp. 153-176
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Türk, B., Hamzaoglu, N., Yayak, A. & Şenyuva, G., 'Fear of crime in the context of gender and ambivalent sexism' (2022), International Sociology [online]
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Valcarcel, A.S., Fernández, E.G. & Ranea-Triviño, B., 'Perceptions, experiences, and positions on gender violence in social media. Results of a survey of Andalusian young people | Percepções, experiências e posicionamentos sobre a violência de gênero nas redes sociais. Resultados de uma pesquisa com jovens Andaluzes' (2024), Comunicacion y Sociedad (Mexico), (21), e8676
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Van Schenck, R., 'Deplatforming “the people”: media populism, racial capitalism, and the regulation of online reactionary networks' (2023), Media, Culture and Society [online]
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Veldhuis, C.B., Drabble, L., Riggle, E.D.B., Wootton, A.R. & Hughes, T.L., '“I fear for my safety, but want to show bravery for others”: Violence and discrimination concerns among transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals after the 2016 Presidential Election' (2018), Violence and Gender, 5(1), pp.26-36
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Venäläinen, S., Virkki, T., 'Struggles for Moral Value and the Reproduction of Gendered and Racialised Hierarchies in Online Discussions of Violence' (2019), Sociological Review [online]
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Wachs, S. & Wright, M.F., '‘The Moderation of Online Disinhibition and Sex on the Relationship between Online Hate Victimization and Perpetration’' (2019), Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 22(5), pp. 300-306
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Walklate, S., 'Sexual violence against women: Still a controversial issue for victimology?' (2014), International Review of Victimology, 20(1), pp.71-84
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Walters, M.A. & Turnath, J., 'Gender ‘hostility’, rape, and the hate crime paradigm' (2014), The Modern Law Review, 77(4), pp.563-596
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Weisburd, S.B. & Levin, B., '“On the basis of sex”: Recognizing gender-based bias crimes' (1994), Stanford Law and Policy Review, 5(2), pp.21-43
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Weitzman, M., Williams, R.J. & Wald, J. (Eds.), 'The Routledge History of Antisemitism' (2023), London: Routledge
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Wendratama, E., Aprilia, M.P., Sari, Y.A., Kurnia, N. & Utomo, W.P., 'Domesticating WhatsApp Groups: Indonesian Women’s Experience with Misinformation and Hate Speech in the 2019 Election' (2023), Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 39(4), pp. 372–390
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Wetzel, K.E. & Himmelstein, M.S., 'Health Care Avoidance as Vigilance: A Model of Maladaptive Eating Behaviors Due to Weight Stigma in Health Care, Avoidance, and Internalization Among Women' (2023), Stigma and Health [online]
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Wilhelm, C. & Schulz-Tomančok, A., 'Predicting user engagement with anti-gender, homophobic and sexist social media posts–a choice-based conjoint study in Hungary and Germany' (2023), Information Communication and Society [online]
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Williams, D.J., Arntfield, M., Schaal, K. & Vincent, J., 'Wanting sex and willing to kill: Examining demographic and cognitive characteristics of violent “involuntary celibates”' (2021), Behavioral Sciences and the Law [online]
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Wong, K.W.K., 'Exploring Racial Microaggressions Toward Chinese Immigrant Women in Greater Boston During Covid' (2023), Social Inclusion, 11(2), pp. 16-26
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Yoder, M.M., Perry, C., Brown, D.W., Carley, K.M. & Pruden, M., 'Identity Construction in a Misogynist Incels Forum' (2023), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 1–13
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