Publications: Hate crime models


Demirsu, I., 'Identitarian movements in the touristic city: The marketing of hate in Verona' (2023), International Journal of Urban and Regional Research [online]
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Denti, D. & Faggian, A., 'Where do angry birds tweet? Income inequality and online hate in Italy' (2021), Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 14(3), pp. 483-506
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Denti, D. & Faggian, A., 'Where do angry birds tweet? Income inequality and online hate in Italy' (2021), Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society [online]
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Denti, D. & Faggian, A., 'Welcome to the Punch. Local exposure to refugees and hate events in Italy' (2023), Annals of Regional Science [online]
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Denti, D., Crociata, A. & Faggian, A., 'Knocking on Hell’s door: dismantling hate with cultural consumption' (2022), Journal of Cultural Economics [online]
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Desbiolles, B., 'The Freedom of Expression according to Thomas Nagel: A Right at the Frontier between Public and Private | [LA LIBERTÉ D’EXPRESSION SELON THOMAS NAGEL : UN DROIT À LA FRONTIÈRE ENTRE PRIVÉ ET PUBLIC]' (2022), Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale, 116(4), pp. 497-513
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Devakumar, D., Selvarajah, S., Abubakar, I., Kim, S.-S., McKee, M., Sabharwal, N.S., Saini, A., Shannon, G., White, A.I.R. & Achiume, E.T., 'Racism, xenophobia, discrimination, and the determination of health' (2022), Lancet (London, England), 400(10368), pp. 2097-2108
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Di Rosa, A., 'Performative Hate Speech Acts. Perlocutionary and Illocutionary Understandings in International Human Rights Law' (2019), Age of Human Rights Journal, 12, pp. 105-132
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Díaz López, J.A., 'Terrorism as a hate crime?' (2022), in C. Walker, M. Llobet Anglí & M. Cancio Meliá (Eds.) Precursor Crimes of Terrorism: The Criminalisation of Terrorism Risk in Comparative Perspective (pp. 143-155), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
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Díaz, Á., 'Online racialization and the myth of colorblind content policy' (2023), Boston University Law Review, 103(7), pp. 1929–1983
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Díaz-Faes, D.A. & Pereda, N., 'Is There Such a Thing as a Hate Crime Paradigm? An Integrative Review of Bias-Motivated Violent Victimization and Offending, Its Effects and Underlying Mechanisms' (2020), Trauma, Violence, and Abuse [online]
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Dickel, V. & Evolvi, G., '“Victims of feminism”: exploring networked misogyny and #MeToo in the manosphere' (2022), Feminist Media Studies [online]
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Dickter, C.L., 'Confronting hate: Heterosexuals’ responses to anti-gay comments' (2012), Journal of homosexuality, 59(8), pp.1113-1130
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Dobrowolska, M. & Obrȩbska, M., 'Use of hate speech and social evaluation of a politician’s image' (2023), Psychology of Language and Communication, 27(1), pp. 256-277
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Doherty, G., 'Prejudice, Friendship and the Abuse of Disabled People: An Exploration Into the Concept of Exploitative Familiarity (‘Mate Crime’)' (2017), Disability and Society [online]
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Domínguez-Armas, Á., Soria-Ruiz, A. & Lewiński, M., 'Provocative Insinuations as Hate Speech: Argumentative Functions of Mentioning Ethnicity in Headlines' (2023), Topoi [online]
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Donovan, C., Macdonald, S. & Clayton, J., 'Re-Conceptualising Repeat Reports of Hate Crime/Incidents as Hate Relationships Based on Coercive Control and Space for Action' (2022), Sociological Research Online [online]
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Donzelli, S., 'Counterspeech Solidarity, complicity, political participation | [Gegenrede Solidarität, Komplizenschaft, politische Partizipation]' (2023), Zeitschrift fur Praktische Philosophie, 9(2), pp. 303-332
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Dosser, M., 'When Puppies start to hate: the revanchist nostalgia of the Hugo Awards’ PuppyGate controversy' (2023), Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies [online]
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Downing, J., 'Exceptional and banal constructions of British Muslims in Grenfell: Social boundaries, twitter, superdiversity and online vernacular memory' (2023), Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 23(2), pp. 232–245
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Du, M., Chen, H. & Cheng, C., 'Predicting the Variations of Anti-Asian Attack across U.S. during the COVID-19 Pandemic with Socio-structural and Cultural Factors' (2021), Proceedings of 2021 8th IEEE International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing, BESC 2021
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Dunlop, J.M., Chechak, D., Hamby, W. & Holosko, M.J., 'Social Work and Technology: Using Geographic Information Systems to Leverage Community Development Responses to Hate Crimes' (2021), Journal of Technology in Human Services [online]
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Døving, C.A. & Emberland, T., 'Bringing the enemy closer to home: ‘conspiracy talk’ and the Norwegian far right' (2021), Patterns of Prejudice, 55(4), pp. 375-390
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Eckes, C. & Geschke, D., 'Hasskriminalität Als Botschaftstat. Angriffe Aufgrund Der Gruppenzugehörigkeit. [Hate Crime as Message Crime. Attacks Because of Group Membership.]' (2019), Factsheet des IDZ [online]
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Edwards, C., 'Pathologising the victim: Law and the construction of people with disabilities as victims of crime in Ireland' (2014), Disability & Society, 29(5), pp.685-698
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Eisenberg, A., 'A Trauma-Centered Approach to Addressing Hate Crimes' (2022), Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 112(4),2, pp. 729-748
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ElTohamy, A., Hyun, S., Rastogi, R., Wong, G.T.F., Kim, G.S., Chae, D.H., Hahm, H. & Liu, C.H., 'Effect of Vicarious Discrimination on Race-Based Stress Symptoms Among Asian American Young Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2023), Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy [online]
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Enli, G., 'Populism as “Truth”: How Mediated Authenticity Strengthens the Populist Message' (2024), International Journal of Press/Politics [online]
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Enock, F.E. & Over, H., 'Animalistic slurs increase harm by changing perceptions of social desirability' (2023), Royal Society Open Science, 10(7), 230203
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Entorf, H. & Lange, M., 'Refugees welcome? Understanding the regional heterogeneity of anti-refugee hate crime' (2023), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 101, 103913
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Erentzen, C. & Schuller, R.A., 'Prototypes of Hate and Expectations of the Model Victim' (2024), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Estacio, A.M.Y., 'The “newest ‘yellow peril’”: How American legal history shaped the rise in Asian American hate crimes in the covid-19 pandemic' (2023), Denver Law Review, 100(1), pp. 305–323
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Evans, J.V., Steinberg, S., Clement, D.Y. & Carron, D., 'Settler Colonialism, Illiberal Memory, and German-Canadian Hate Networks in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries' (2023), Central European History [online]
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Evans, P., 'Football and Homosexually Themed Banter: The Disconnect between Positive Social Attitudes toward Gay People and the Use of Homophobic Language' (2024), International Journal of Sport and Society, 15(1), pp. 95–122
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Fakuade, D., 'Far-Right Movements in the COVID-19 Era' (2023), in E. Akıllı, B. Güneş & A. Gökbel (Eds.) Diplomacy, Society and the COVID-19 Challenge (pp. 29–38), London: Routledge
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Fang, K., '“I See You”: Racialized Surveillance and Asian American Invisibility' (2022), Prism, 19(1), pp. 181-192
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Fang, L., Lee, E., Chan, K, Al-Raes, M. & Nuesca, E., '“It Goes under the Radar!”: In/Visibility of Anti-Asian Racism from a Canadian Youth Perspective' (2023), Youth and Society [online]
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Farr, P., 'Becoming again a war machine: Deleuze and Guattari’s theory of state violence applied to hate crime and domestic violence' (2024), Subjectivity [online]
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Farrand, B., '‘Is This a Hate Speech?’ The Difficulty in Combating Radicalisation in Coded Communications on Social media Platforms' (2023), European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research [online]
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Farris, E.M. & Holman, M.R., 'Local Gun Safety Enforcement, Sheriffs, and Right-Wing Political Extremism' (2023), Urban Affairs Review [online]
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Ferran, Í.V., 'Degradation, feeling of self-worth, and hate | [Herabsetzung, Selbstwertgefühl und Hass]' (2021), Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Philosophie, 69(3), pp. 409-421
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Fishbein, H.D., 'The genetic/evolutionary basis of prejudice and hatred' (2004), Journal of Hate Studies, 3(1), pp. 113-119
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Fokou, G., Yamo, A., Kone, S., Koffi, A.J.D. & Davids, Y.D., 'Xenophobic violence in South Africa, online disinformation and offline consequences' (2022), African Identities [online]
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Ford, C.L., Amani, B., Harawa, N.T., Akee, R., Gee, G.C., Sarrafzadeh, M., Abotsi-Kowu, C., Fazeli, S., Le, C., Nwankwo, E., Zamanzadeh, D., Ovalle, A. & Ponder, M.L., 'Adequacy of existing surveillance systems to monitor racism, social stigma and covid inequities: A detailed assessment and recommendations' (2021), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(24), 13099
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Fouka, V. & Tabellini, M.A.R.C.O., 'Changing In-Group Boundaries: The Effect of Immigration on Race Relations in the United States' (2021), American Political Science Review [online]
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Fox, J., 'Do Religion Clauses in Constitutions Predict Government-Based Discrimination against Religious Minorities?' (2023), Religions, 14(1), 92
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Fraser, R., 'How to talk back *' (2023), Politics, Philosophy and Economics [online]
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Freilich, J.D., Bejan, V., Parkin, W.S., Chermak, S.M. & Gruenewald, J., 'An Intervention Analysis of Fatal Far-Right Extremist Violence Within a Vector-Autoregressive Framework' (2019), Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways toward Terrorism and Genocide [online]
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Frick, M.-L., 'Essentials of a democratic ethics of free (counter)speech | [Grundzüge einer demokratischen Ethik der freien (Wider-)Rede]' (2023), Zeitschrift fur Praktische Philosophie, 9(2), pp. 253-276
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Fuchs, S., 'Truth clashes: caste atrocities, false cases, and the limits of hate crime law in North India' (2024), Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute [online]
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