Publications: Hate crime models


Fuchs, S.I., 'Symbiotic Justice: Hate Crimes, Police Humiliation, and Layered Legal Consciousness in Dalit Human Rights' (2024), Social and Legal Studies [online]
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Fuentes, A.S., 'Awakening Hate, Perpetuating Oppressions: The Influence Of Mass Media In Criminal Politics About Gender Based Violences | [Despertando Odios, Perpetuando Opresiones: La Influencia De Los Medios De Comunicación En La Política Criminal De Las Violencias De Género]' (2022), Asparkia, (40), pp. 261-280
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Fussi, A., 'Anger, hatred, prejudice. An Aristotelian perspective' (2022), in A. Bortolan & E. Magrì (Eds.) Empathy, Intersubjectivity, and the Social World: The Continued Relevance of Phenomenology. Essays in Honour of Dermot Moran (pp. 389-411), Berlin: De Gruyter
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Gabatz, C., 'The rhetorical contours, appeals to ignorance, resentments, messianisms and conspiracies in Bolsonarist disruptive governance │ Os contornos retóricos, apelos à ignorância, ressentimentos, messianismos e conspirações na governança disruptiva Bolsonarista' (2023), Projeto Historia, 76, pp. 174–195
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Gaïni, S.M., 'Universities and other institutions – not hate speech laws – are a threat to freedom of political speech' (2022), Etikk i Praksis, 16(1), pp. 5-19
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Galam, S., 'Unanimity, Coexistence, and Rigidity: Three Sides of Polarization' (2023), Entropy, 25(4), 622
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Gale, L.R., Carrington Heath, W. & Ressler, R.W., 'An economic analysis of hate crime' (2002), Eastern Economic Journal, 28(2), pp.203-216
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Galindo-Domínguez, H., García-Magariño, S. & Iglesias, D.L., 'Political speech in social networks about the immigrant minority group: Analysis of narratives and educational implications | Discurso político en redes sociales sobre el colectivo minoritario inmigrante: análisis de las narrativas e implicaciones educativas' (2023), OBETS, 18(1), pp. 97–114
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Galpin, C. & Vernon, P., 'Post-truth politics as discursive violence: Online abuse, the public sphere and the figure of ‘the expert’' (2023), British Journal of Politics and International Relations [online]
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Garland, J., '‘It’s a Mosher just been banged for no reason’: Assessing targeted violence against Goths and the parameters of hate crime' (2010), International Review of Victimology, 17(2), pp.159-177
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Gashi, A. & Amanyraouf, S., 'Political Communication in (Post)Conflict Societies. The case of Kosovo | Comunicación política en sociedades postconflicto: el caso de Kosovo' (2023), Revista UNISCI, 2023(63), pp. 103–117
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Gałczyńska, A., '“… protect me, Lord, from contempt, protect me from hatred, God”. When Words Express Contempt | [„… chroń mnie panie od pogardy, przed nienawiścią strzeż mnie boże”. Kiedy słowa wyrażają pogardę]' (2023), Respectus Philologicus, 43(48), pp. 11-13
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Genc, E. & Baptist, J., 'Discrimination Against Muslims in the USA and Couple Interactions: An Actor–Partner Interdependence Model' (2023), Journal of Religion and Health [online]
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Gerke, A.E., 'Monsters or Men?: Guillermo del Toro’s Allegories of American Othering in The Shape of Water' (2024), in P. Barba Guerrero & M. Fernández Jiménez (Eds.) American Literature Readings in the 21st Century (Part F1728) (pp. 147–169), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Ghazi-Tehrani, A. & Kearns, E.M., 'Biased Coverage of Bias Crime: Examining Differences in Media Coverage of Hate Crimes and Terrorism' (2020), Studies in Conflict and Terrorism [online]
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Gheorghiu, M., Pehrson, S. & Christ, O., 'Status, relative deprivation, and moral devaluation of immigrants' (2021), British Journal of Social Psychology [online]
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Gibson, R., 'Does the perception of discrimination impact Asian American boundaries? An analysis of group threat and closure ideology' (2021), Ethnic and Racial Studies [online]
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Gladfelter, A.S., Lantz, B. & Ruback, R.B., 'The complexity of hate crime and bias activity: Variation across contexts and types of bias' (2015), Justice Quarterly
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Gligorić, V., Vilotijević, A. & Većkalov, B., 'Does the term matter? The labeling effect on the perception of ethnic minorities: The case of The Romani in Serbia' (2021), International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 85, pp. 69-81
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Godioli, A., Young, J. & Fiori, B.M., 'Laughing Matters: Humor, Free Speech and Hate Speech at the European Court of Human Rights' (2022), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 35(6), pp. 2241-2265
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Godzisz, P. & Mazurczak, J., 'Not Ideal, But Still Acknowledged: A 10-Country Survey on Empathy for Victims of Anti-LGBT Violence' (2022), Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]
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Goldman-Hasbun, J., 'The Moral Discourse of Free Speech: A Virtual Ethnographic Study' (2022), Journal of Contemporary Ethnography [online]
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Goldner, I. & Ben-Nun Bloom, P., 'Polarization and Moral Threat: Insights from Systemist Analysis' (2023), Social Sciences, 12(8), 453
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Goldstraw, S., '‘It was just a joke!’ Comedy and freedom of speech' (2023), European Journal of Political Theory [online]
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Gómez-Quintero, J., Johnson, S.D., Borrion, H. & Lundrigan, S., 'A scoping study of crime facilitated by the metaverse' (2024), Futures, 157, 103338
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Gondar, J.ô., 'Passion and tenderness as political forces' (2023), International Forum of Psychoanalysis [online]
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González, S.G., 'Necropolitics and hate speech. Anti-immigration sentiment, vulnerability and symbolic violence | [Necropolítica y discursos de odio. Sentimiento antinmigración, vulnerabilidad y violencia simbólica]' (2022), Isegoria, (67), e07
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Goodall, K. & Walters, M., 'Legislating to Address Hate Crimes against the LGBT Community in the Commonwealth' (2019), Equality and Justice Alliance
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Goodman, S. & Locke, A., 'Supporting and challenging hate in an online discussion of a controversial refugee policy' (2024), Discourse Studies [online]
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Gordon, S.L., 'Interweaving xenophobia and racism in South Africa: the impact of racial discrimination on anti-immigrant hate violence among people of colour' (2022), South African Journal of Psychology [online]
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Gramigna, R., 'Inside Facebook’s semiosphere. How social media influence digital hate and fuel cyber-polarization' (2022), Social Semiotics, 32(5), pp. 606-633
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Green, D.P. & Spry, A.D., 'Hate crime research: Design and measurement strategies for improving causal inference' (2014), Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 30(3), pp.228-246
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Greenland, K., West, K. & van Laar, C., 'Definitional boundaries of discrimination: Tools for deciding what constitutes discrimination (and what doesn’t)' (2022), Journal of Applied Social Psychology [online]
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Greenwald, A.G. & Newkirk, T., 'Roles for Implicit Bias Science in Antidiscrimination Law' (2024), Daedalus, 153(1), pp. 174–192
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Grigoryan, L., Seo, S., Simunovic, D. & Hofmann, W., 'Helping the ingroup versus harming the outgroup: Evidence from morality-based groups' (2023), Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 105, 104436
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Gunthel, N., 'Gendering hatred – Adding ‘gender’ to the hate crime equation?' (2023), Women, Gender and Research, (2), pp. 27–42
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Guo, Q., Shi, C., Yin, Z., Liu, C. & Ma, X., 'Exploring the Effects of Event-induced Sudden Influx of Newcomers to Online Pop Music Fandom Communities: Content, Interaction, and Engagement' (2023), Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW2), 3610063
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Gurgun, S., Arden-Close, E., Phalp, K. & Ali, R., 'Online silence: Why do people not challenge others when posting misinformation?' (2022), Internet Research [online]
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Hagerlid, H., 'Discursive Constructions of Race and Gender in Racial Hate Crime Targeting Women in Sweden' (2022), NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research [online]
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Hall, N., 'Hate crime' (2013), New York: Routledge

Hall, E., Clayton, J. & Donovan, C. (Eds.), 'Landscapes of Hate: Tracing Spaces, Relations and Responses' (2022), Bristol: Bristol University Press
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Hall, N., Corb, A., Giannasi, P., & Grieve, J. (eds.), 'The international handbook of hate crime' (2014), London: Routledge.

Hameleers, M., van der Meer, T. & Vliegenthart, R., 'Civilized truths, hateful lies? Incivility and hate speech in false information–evidence from fact-checked statements in the US' (2021), Information Communication and Society [online]
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Handelman, M., 'Artificial antisemitism: Critical theory in the age of datafication' (2022), Critical Inquiry, 48(2), pp. 286-312
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Haner, M., Sloan, M.M., Pickett, J.T., Cullen, F.T. & O'Neill, V., 'How politics constrain the public’s understanding of terrorism' (2023), Social Forces, 102(1), pp. 157–179
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Haq, T. & Isa, N.A.N.M., 'Discourse, Law and Digital Communication: Unraveling the Hate Speech in Basuki Tjahaja Purnama’s Case of Religious Blasphemy' (2023), Journal of Indonesian Islam, 17(2), pp. 376–402
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Harell, A., Hinckley, R. & Mansell, J., 'Valuing Liberty or Equality? Empathetic Personality and Political Intolerance of Harmful Speech' (2021), Frontiers in Political Science, 3, 663858
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Harington, E.R., 'The social psychology of hatred' (2004), Journal of Hate Studies, 4(1), pp. 49-82
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Harris, C., Halevy, M., Howard, A., Bruckman, A. & Yang, D., 'Exploring the Role of Grammar and Word Choice in Bias Toward African American English (AAE) in Hate Speech Classification' (2022), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 789-798
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Hatano, A., 'Regulating Online Hate Speech through the Prism of Human Rights Law: The Potential of Localised Content Moderation' (2023), Australian Year Book of International Law, 41(1), pp. 127–156
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