Publications: Hate speech


Getahun, T.G., 'Countering online hate speech through legislative measures: The Ethiopian approach from a comparative perspective' (2023), Communication Review [online]
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Ghaffari, S., 'Discourses of celebrities on Instagram: digital femininity, self-representation and hate speech' (2022), Critical Discourse Studies, 19(2), pp. 161-178
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Ghanem, B., Buscaldi, D. & Rosso, P., 'TexTroIIs: Identifying trolls on Twitter with textual and affective features' (2020), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2758, pp. 4-22
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Ghasiya, P. & Sasahara, K., 'Rapid Sharing of Islamophobic Hate on Facebook: The Case of the Tablighi Jamaat Controversy' (2022), Social Media and Society, 8(4)
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Ghasiya, P., Ahnert, G. & Sasahara, K., 'Identifying Themes of Right-Wing Extremism in Hindutva Discourse on Twitter' (2023), Social Media and Society, 9(3)
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Ghazwi, M.F., Al-Tarawneh, H., Almajali, M.H., Alqudah, F.T. & Al-Adwan, A.F., 'The Role of Legal and Technical Cybersecurity Systems in Mitigating Hate Speech' (2023), Migration Letters, 20, pp. 332–345
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Gheorghiu, O.C. & Praisler, A., 'Hate speech revisited in Romanian political discourse: from the Legion of the Archangel Michael (1927–1941) to AUR (2020–present day)' (2022), Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1), 235
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Ghosal, S. & Jain, A., 'HateCircle and Unsupervised Hate Speech Detection Incorporating Emotion and Contextual Semantics' (2023), ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 22(4), 108
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Ghosal, S., Jain, A. & Tayal, D.K., 'An approach to detect abusive content incorporating Word2Vec and Multilayer Perceptron' (2022), IBSSC 2022 - IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference
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Ghosh, K., Senapati, A., Narzary, M. & Brahma, M., 'Hate Speech Detection in Low-Resource Bodo and Assamese Texts with ML-DL and BERT Models' (2023), Scalable Computing, 24(4), pp. 941–955
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Ghosh, K., Sonowal, D., Basumatary, A., Gogoi, B. & Senapati, A., 'Transformer-Based Hate Speech Detection in Assamese' (2023), 2023 IEEE Guwahati Subsection Conference, GCON 2023
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Ghosh, S., Ekbal, A., Bhattacharyya, P., Saha, T., Kumar, A. & Srivastava, S., 'SEHC: A Benchmark Setup to Identify Online Hate Speech in English' (2022), IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems [online]
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Ghosh, S., Priyankar, A., Ekbal, A. & Bhattacharyya, P., 'A transformer-based multi-task framework for joint detection of aggression and hate on social media data' (2023), Natural Language Engineering, 29(6), pp. 1495–1515
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Ghosh, T., Chowdhury, A.A.K., Banna, M.H.A., Nahian, M.J.A., Kaiser, M.S. & Mahmud, M., 'A Hybrid Deep Learning Approach to Detect Bangla Social Media Hate Speech' (2022), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 437, pp. 711-722
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Ghozali, I., Sungkono, K.R., Sarno, R. & Abdullah, R., 'Synonym based feature expansion for Indonesian hate speech detection' (2023), International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 13(1), pp. 1105-1112
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Giorgioni, S., Politi, M., Salman, S., Croce, D. & Basili, R., 'UNITOR @ Sardistance2020: Combining transformer-based architectures and transfer learning for robust stance detection' (2020), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2765
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Giridhar Shambharkar, P., Singh, H., Raj Raghav, H. & Verma, H., 'Exploring the Efficacy of Deep Learning Models for Multiclass Toxic Comment Classification in Social Media Using Natural Language Processing' (2023), Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics, ACCAI 2023
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Glad, K.A., Dyb, G., Hellevik, P., Michelsen, H. & Øien Stensland, S., '“I Wish You Had Died on Utøya”: Terrorist Attack Survivors’ Personal Experiences with Hate Speech and Threats' (2023), Terrorism and Political Violence [online]
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Glazkova, A., 'A comparison of text preprocessing techniques for hate and offensive speech detection in Twitter' (2023), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 13(1), 155
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Glenn, C., '“Let Them Flee to Sweden: There, Everyone Looks at Them More Politely”: Gay Propaganda and LGBT Rights in the Baltic States' (2022), in J. Chakars & I. Ekmanis (Eds.) Information Wars in the Baltic States: Russia’s Long Shadow (Palgrave Macmillan Series in International Political Communication) (pp. 227-261), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
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Gobal, D.C., Srinivasan, D.P., Kathiresan, A., Seshadri, G.P., Radhakrishnan, T.R. & Rajendran, D., 'Multimedia analysis in social media using machine learning' (2023), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2857(1), 020078
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Godioli, A., Young, J. & Fiori, B.M., 'Laughing Matters: Humor, Free Speech and Hate Speech at the European Court of Human Rights' (2022), International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 35(6), pp. 2241-2265
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Godoy, D. & Tommasel, A., 'Is my model biased? Exploring unintended bias in misogyny detection tasks' (2021), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2942, pp. 97-111
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Goede, L.-R., Schröder, C.P., Lehmann, L. & Bliesener, T., 'Online Activities and Extremist Attitudes in Adolescence: An Empirical Analysis with a Gender Differentiation | [Online-Aktivitäten und extremistische Einstellungen im Jugendalter: Eine empirische Analyse mit einer Geschlechterdifferenzierung]' (2022), Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 105(4), pp. 257-274
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Gokaru, S.U., Nor, M.R.M., Hamid, A.F.B.A., Bensala, Y., Abdullah, M. & Bin Ali, A.K., 'Hate Speech in Nigerian Politics: An Islamic and Christian Perspectives' (2023), Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 13(2), pp. 309–323
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Goldberg, A., 'Minority Rights, Honor, and Hate Speech Law in Post-Holocaust West Germany' (2021), Law, Culture and the Humanities, 17(2), pp. 224-245
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Goldman-Hasbun, J., 'The Moral Discourse of Free Speech: A Virtual Ethnographic Study' (2022), Journal of Contemporary Ethnography [online]
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Goldmann, M. & Sonnen, M., 'Soft authority against hard cases of racially discriminating speech: Why the CERD Committee needs a margin of appreciation doctrine' (2016), Goettingen Journal of International Law, 7 (1), pp.131-155
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Goldstraw, S., '‘It was just a joke!’ Comedy and freedom of speech' (2023), European Journal of Political Theory [online]
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Goldzycher, J., Preisig, M., Amrhein, C. & Schneider, G., 'Evaluating the Effectiveness of Natural Language Inference for Hate Speech Detection in Languages with Limited Labeled Data' (2023), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 187–201
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Gomez, R., Gibert, J., Gomez, L. & Karatzas, D., 'Exploring Hate Speech Detection in Multimodal Publications' (2020), Proceedings - 2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 2020, 9093414, pp. 1459-1467
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Gómez-Camacho, A., Hunt-Gómez, C.I., Núñez-Roman, F. & Esteban, A.N., '“Not all motherfuckers are MENA, but most MENA are motherfuckers”: Hate speech on Twitter against unaccompanied foreign minor' (2023), Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 11(2), pp. 256–278
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Gómez-García, S., Paz-Rebollo, M.-A. & Cabeza-San-Deogracias, J., 'Newsgames against hate speech in the refugee crisis | [Newsgames frente a los discursos del odio en la crisis de los refugiados]' (2021), Comunicar, 29(67)
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Gonçalves, I., 'Promoting Hate Speech by Dehumanizing Metaphors of Immigration' (2023), Journalism Practice [online]
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Gondwe, G., 'Online incivility, hate speech and political violence in Zambia: Examining the role of online political campaign message' (2021), Journal of African Media Studies, 13(1), pp. 35-51
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Gongane, V.U., Munot, M.V. & Anuse, A., 'Feature Representation Techniques for Hate Speech Detection on Social Media: A Comparative Study' (2022), 2022 International Conference on Signal and Information Processing, IConSIP 2022
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Gongane, V.U., Munot, M.V. & Anuse, A.D., 'A survey of explainable AI techniques for detection of fake news and hate speech on social media platforms' (2024), Journal of Computational Social Science [online]
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Gongane, V.U., Munot, M.V. & Anuse, A.D., 'Detection and moderation of detrimental content on social media platforms: current status and future directions' (2022), Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12(1), 129
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González, A.D., 'Hate Speech in Audiovisual Communication | El Discurso Del Odio En La Comunicación Audiovisual' (2023), Revista General de Derecho Administrativo, 2023(64), 426426
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González, S.G., 'Necropolitics and hate speech. Anti-immigration sentiment, vulnerability and symbolic violence | [Necropolítica y discursos de odio. Sentimiento antinmigración, vulnerabilidad y violencia simbólica]' (2022), Isegoria, (67), e07
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González-Baquero, W., Amores, J.J. & Arcila-Calderón, C., 'From Belief to Hate. An Analysis of the Beliefs That Support the Hate Speech Towards Migrants and Refugees Spread on Twitter from the Theory of Reasoned Action' (2022), Tripodos, (53)
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González-Baquero, W., Amores, J.J. & Arcila-Calderón, C., 'The Conversation around Islam on Twitter: Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis of Tweets about the Muslim Community in Spain since 2015' (2023), Religions, 14(6), 724
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González-Esteban, J.-L., Lopez-Rico, C.M., Morales-Pino, L. & Sabater-Quinto, F., 'Intensification of Hate Speech, Based on the Conversation Generated on TikTok during the Escalation of the War in the Middle East in 2023' (2024), Social Sciences, 13(1), 49
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Goodall, K., 'Challenging hate speech: Incitement to hatred on grounds of sexual orientation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland' (2009), The International Journal of Human Rights, 13(2-3), pp.211-232
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Goodman, S. & Locke, A., 'Supporting and challenging hate in an online discussion of a controversial refugee policy' (2024), Discourse Studies [online]
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Gordon Benito, I., 'Online hate and the contentious case of stirring up hatred offences' (2023), Oñati Socio-Legal Series [online]
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Gordon Benito, I., 'Hate crimes and cyberhate. Reviewing the possibilities of criminal speech filtering through Articles 22.4 and 510 of the Spanish Criminal Code [Delitos de odio y ciberodio. Una revisión acerca de las posibilidades de filtrado penal del discurso a través de los arts. 22.4 y 510.3 CP]' (2023), Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch
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Gordon Benito, I., 'Online hate and the contentious case of stirring up hatred offences' (2023), Onati Socio-Legal Series, 13(5), pp. 1734–1755
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Gorenc, N., 'Hate speech or free speech: an ethical dilemma?' (2022), International Review of Sociology [online]
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Goswami, A., Rawat, A., Tongaria, S. & Jhingran, S., 'Detection of hate speech in multi-modal social post' (2023), in A. Dagur, K. Singh, P.S. Mehra & D.K. Shukla (Eds.) Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security - Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security, ICABCS 2023 (1st Edition) (pp. 331-336), London: CRC Press
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