Publications: Hate speech


Imperato, C., Pagano, M &, Mancini, T., '“All Is Fair in… Meme!” How Heterosexual Users Perceive and React to Memes, News, and Posts Discriminating against Sexual Minorities' (2023), Social Sciences, 12(2), 74
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Eds.), 'Proceedings – IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC)' (2024), 2024 IEEE 18th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 5-7 February 2024, Laguna Hills, CA
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Inwood, O. & Zappavigna, M., 'A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach to Analyzing White Supremacist and Conspiratorial Discourse on YouTube' (2022), Communication Review, 25(3-4), pp. 204-234
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Inwood, O. & Zappavigna, M., 'Conspiracy Theories and White Supremacy on YouTube: Exploring Affiliation and Legitimation Strategies in YouTube Comments' (2023), Social Media and Society, 9(1)
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Iosifidis, P. & Andrews, L., 'Regulating the internet intermediaries in a post-truth world: Beyond media policy?' (2019), International Communication Gazette
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Ipar, E., Villarreal, P., Cuesta, M. & Wegelin, L., 'Dilemmas of the Digital Public Sphere: Hate Speech and Political-Ideological Articulations in Argentina | [DILEMAS DE LA ESFERA PÚBLICA DIGITAL: DISCURSOS DE ODIO Y ARTICULACIONES POLÍTICO-IDEOLÓGICAS EN ARGENTINA]' (2022), America Latina Hoy, 91, pp. 93-114
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Iqbal, S. & Keshtkar, F., 'Using Cognitive Learning Method to Analyze Aggression in Social Media Text' (2023), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13452 LNCS, pp. 198-211
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Iqbal, W., Arshad, M.H., Tyson, G. & Castro, I., 'Exploring Crowdsourced Content Moderation Through Lens of Reddit during COVID-19' (2022), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 26-35
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Irenoa, K.O., 'Information Diffusion on Social Media During Elections in Nigeria: Extrapolating the Constructs of Dual Process Theory' (2021), Library Philosophy and Practice, 2021
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Iriani, A., Hendry, Manongga, D.H.F. & Chen, R.-C., 'Mining Public Opinion on Radicalism in Social Media via Sentiment Analysis' (2020), International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 16(5), pp. 1787-1800
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Isaac, A. & Bhat, A., 'A Conceptual Enhancement of LSTM Using Knowledge Distillation for Hate Speech Detection' (2022), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 286, pp. 561-570
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Isaac, A., Kumar, R. & Bhat, A., 'Hate Speech Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques' (2022), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 840, pp. 125-135
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Ishmam, A.M. & Sharmin, S., 'Hateful Speech Detection in Public Facebook Pages for The Bengali Language' (2019), Proceedings - 18th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2019, 8999254, pp. 555-560
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Islam, M., Hossain, M.S. & Akhter, N., 'Hate Speech Detection Using Machine Learning In Bengali Languages' (2022), Proceedings - 2022 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems, ICICCS 2022, pp. 1349-1354
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Islam, M.S., Rony, M.A.T, Ahammad, M., Alam, S.M.N. & Rahman, M.S., 'An Innovative Novel Transformer Model and Datasets for Safeguarding Religious Sensitivities in Online Social Platforms' (2024), Procedia Computer Science, 233, pp. 988–997
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Islam, M.S., Saha, S., Alam, M.M., Kumar Datta, N., Ali, M.H., Hossain, M.D. & Golam Moazzam, M., 'Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Approaches to Detect Bangla Hate Speech on Social Media' (2023), 2023 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, ICCIT 2023
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Islam, S.M., 'The changing faces of culture: Notes from a time of crisis' (2023), in R. Jahan & R. Sobhan (Eds.) Fifty Years of Bangladesh: Economy, Politics, Society and Culture (pp. 191–201), London: Routledge
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Israel, M., 'Hate speech and the First Amendment ' (1999), Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 15, pp.97-110
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Israeli, A., Kremiansky, A. & Tsur, O., 'This Must Be the Place: Predicting Engagement of Online Communities in a Large-scale Distributed Campaign' (2022), WWW 2022 - Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022, pp. 1673-1684
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Istaiteh, O., Al-Omoush, R. & Tedmori, S., 'Racist and Sexist Hate Speech Detection: Literature Review' (2020), 2020 International Conference on Intelligent Data Science Technologies and Applications, IDSTA 2020, 9264052, pp. 95-99
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ITASEC, 'CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Conference Review)' (2017), 1st Italian Conference on Cybersecurity, ITASEC 2017, Venice, Italy (17-20 January 2017)
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Iturriaga, N., Panofsky, A. & Dasgupta, K., 'Feminist retroviruses to white Sharia: Gender “science fan fiction” on 4Chan' (2024), Public Understanding of Science [online]
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Izquierdo, J.H., Sanz, I.R., Prieto, P.B. & Jiménez, V.M., 'The strategy of hate: Polarization and partisan confrontation on Twitter during the 2021 Madrid Assembly elections' (2022), Prisma Social, 39, pp. 183-212
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Izquierdo-Montero, A. & Aguado-Odina, T., 'Hate speech: A research to talk about it in educational centres | [Discursos de odio: Una investigación para hablar de ello en los centros educativos]' (2020), Profesorado, 24(3), pp. 175-195
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Jääskeläinen, T., '‘Countering hate speech through arts and arts education: Addressing intersections and policy implications’' (2019), Policy Futures in Education [online]
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Jablonska, M.R. & Polkowski, Z., 'Internet Hate Speech – Case Study of Poland, Romania, India and Bulgaria' (2020), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence, ECAI 2020, 9223209
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Jacob, C. & Kanth, M., '‘Kill Two Million of Them’: Institutionalised Hate Speech, Impunity and 21st Century Atrocities in India' (2023), Global Responsibility to Protect [online]
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Jacob, C. & Morada, N.M., 'Hate Speech and Atrocity Prevention in Asia: Patterns, Trends and Strategies' (2023), Global Responsibility to Protect, 15(2-3), pp. 93–106
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Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J., 'Martyrs for Free Speech? Disentangling the Effects of Legal Prosecution of Anti-Immigration Politicians on Their Electoral Support' (2019), Political Behavior [online]
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Jacobs, L. & van Spanje, J., 'Prosecuted, yet popular? Hate speech prosecution of anti-immigration politicians in the news and electoral support' (2020), Comparative European Politics, 18(6), pp. 899-924
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Jadhav, R., Agarwal, N., Shevate, S., Sawakare, C., Parakh, P. & Khandare, S., 'Cyber Bullying and Toxicity Detection Using Machine Learning' (2023), Proceedings - 2023 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Social Networking, ICPCSN 2023, pp. 66–73
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Jafari, A.R., Li, G., Rajapaksha, P., Farahbakhsh, R. & Crespi, N., 'Fine-grained Emotions Influence on Implicit Hate Speech Detection' (2023), IEEE Access, 11
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Jahan, M.S. & Oussalah, M., 'A systematic review of hate speech automatic detection using natural language processing' (2023), Neurocomputing, 546, 126232
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Jahan, M.S., Haque, M., Arhab, N. & Oussalah, M., 'BanglaHateBERT: BERT for Abusive Language Detection in Bengali' (2022), International Workshop on Resources and Techniques for User Information in Abusive Language Analysis, ResT-UP 2022 - in conjunction with the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2022 – Proceedings, pp. 8-15
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Jahan, Md.S., Oussalah, M. & Arhab, N., 'Finnish Hate-Speech Detection on Social Media Using CNN and FinBERT' (2022), 2022 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022, pp. 876-882
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Jaimes, F.J., 'Influenced speech: machine learning and hate speech | Discurso influenciado: aprendizaje automático y discurso de odio' (2023), Daimon, (90), pp. 45–61
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Jain, A. & Sharma, S., 'GUI: An Interface for Hate Speech Detection using NLP Technique' (2023), Proceedings of the 2023 2nd International Conference on Augmented Intelligence and Sustainable Systems, ICAISS 2023, pp. 1144–1148
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Jain, A. & Sharma, S., 'A Survey on Identification of Hate Speech on Social Media Post' (2022), ICAN 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Computing, Analytics and Networks – Proceedings
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Jain, A. & Sharma, S., 'Deep learning models used for accuracy and loss detection on twitter dataset by setting tuning parameters' (2023), Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 44(5), pp. 8329–8341
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Jain, D., Arora, S., Jha, C.K. & Malik, G., 'Transformer-based models for hate speech classification' (2024), AIP Conference Proceedings, 3072(1), 020017
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Jain, L., Sharma, M. & Abdulsada, Z.R., 'Offensive Tweets Detection in Hinglish Using HingBERT' (2024), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 786, pp. 93–103
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Jain, M., Goel, P., Singla, P. & Tehlan, R., 'Comparison of various word embeddings for hate-speech detection' (2021), Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 54, pp. 251-265
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Jain, M.K., Gopalani, D. & Meena, Y.K., 'ConFake: fake news identification using content based features' (2023), Multimedia Tools and Applications [online]
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Jain, N., Hegde, A., Jain, A., Joshi, A. & Madake, J., 'Pseudo-conventional Approach for Cyberbullying and Hate-speech detection' (2021), 2021 7th IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Control, ICAC3 2021
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Jain, R., Maity, K., Jha, P. & Saha, S., 'Generative Models vs Discriminative Models: Which Performs Better in Detecting Cyberbullying in Memes?' (2023), Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2023
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Jain, V., Kumar, V., Pal, V. & Vishwakarma, D.K., 'Detection of Cyberbullying on Social Media Using Machine learning' (2021), Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication, ICCMC 2021, 9418254, pp. 1091-1096
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Jalušič, V., 'Racism, ideology and hate: An attempt of understanding contemporary racism in EU anti-racist policies, through a thesis on racism without race' (2017), Rasizem, ideologija in sovraštvo
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Jamil, R., Khan, M.A.A.N. & Anwar, M.M., 'Topic Oriented Hate Speech Detection' (2022), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 420 LNNS, pp. 365-375
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Jamil, S. & Alazrak, N., 'Media and Information Literacy Education: Exploring the gaps in curriculum development at the Egyptian universities' (2023), World of Media, 2023(3), pp. 5–24
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Jang, S.H., Youm, S. & Yi, Y.J., 'Anti-Asian Discourse in Quora: Comparison of Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic with Machine- and Deep-Learning Approaches' (2022), Race and Justice [online]
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