Publications: Hate speech


Jani, B. & Mathur, S., 'Effect on Emotions on Speaker Profiling in Cases of Hate Speeches' (2020), Journal of Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 20(1), pp. 120-125
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Jaradat, A.A., Al Hammouri, R.N., Bani-Khair, B., Zuraiq, W.M.S., Abu-Joudeh, M.I.M. & Al-Momani, H., 'Hate Speech in Bumper Stickers in Jordan' (2023), Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 13(2), pp. 353-361
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Jardina, A. & Piston, S., 'Trickle-down racism: Trump’s effect on whites’ racist dehumanizing attitudes' (2023), Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 5, 100158
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Jaswanth, Y., Kumar, R.M.S., Sudhan, R.M., Vijaya Kumar, S. & Rajagopalam, D., 'Sentiment analysis using logistic regression algorithm' (2020), European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, 7(4), pp. 2081-2086
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Jaszczyk-Grzyb, M., Szczepaniak-Kozak, A. & Adamczak-Krysztofowicz, S., 'A corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis of hate speech in German and Polish social media posts' (2023), Moderna Sprak, 117(1), pp. 44–71
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Jawale, S. & Sawarkar, S.D., 'A Novel Deep Learning Language Model with Hybrid-GFX Embedding and Hyperband Search for Opinion Analysis' (2023), SN Computer Science, 4(6), 759
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Jay, T.B., 'Hurtful words and hate speech' (2023), in G.L. Schiewer, J. Altarriba & B.C. Ng (Eds.) Language and Emotion: An International Handbook (Volume 3) (pp. 1794-1815), Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton
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Jędryczka, W., Sorokowski, P. & Dobrowolska, M., 'The Role of Victim’s Resilience and Self-Esteem in Experiencing Internet Hate' (2022), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(20), 13149
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Jemima, P.P., Majumder, B.R., Ghosh, B.K. & Hoda, F., 'Hate Speech Detection using Machine Learning' (2022), 7th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems, ICCES 2022 – Proceedings, pp. 1274-1277
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Jennison, R.S., 'In/Visible—New Directions in Contemporary Art by Zainichi Koreans: Fragile Frames/ Precarious Lives—in Soni Kum’s Morning Dew (2020)' (2025), Seoul Journal of Korean Studies, 36(2), pp. 465–483
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Jeremy, A., 'Practical implications for the enactment of the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006' (2007), Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 9(2), pp.187-201
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Jeung, R., 'Anti-Asian Hate in the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2024), Journal of Chinese Overseas, 20(1), pp. 24–41
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Jey, P.S., Hemmati, A., Toosi, R. & Akhaee, M.A., 'Hate Sentiment Recognition System for Persian Language' (2022), 2022 12th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering, ICCKE 2022, pp. 517-522
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Jeziński, M., 'Institutionalization of Hate Speech as a Daily Media Practice: The Case of “Wiadomości” TVP1' (2023), Journalism Practice [online]
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Jhaver, S. & Zhang, A.X., 'Do users want platform moderation or individual control? Examining the role of third-person effects and free speech support in shaping moderation preferences' (2023), New Media and Society [online]
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Ji, J., Ren, W. & Naseem, U., 'Identifying Creative Harmful Memes via Prompt based Approach' (2023), ACM Web Conference 2023 - Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2023, pp. 3868-3872
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Jia, B., Dzitac, D., Shrestha, S., Turdaliev, K. & Seidaliev, N., 'An Ensemble Machine Learning Approach to Understanding the Effect of a Global Pandemic on Twitter Users’ Attitudes' (2021), International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, 16(2), pp. 1-11
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Jiang, A. & Zubiaga, A., 'Cross-lingual Capsule Network for Hate Speech Detection in Social Media' (2021), HT 2021 - Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, pp. 217-223
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Jiang, A., Yang, X., Liu, Y. & Zubiaga, A., 'SWSR: A Chinese dataset and lexicon for online sexism detection' (2022), Online Social Networks and Media, 27, 100182
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Jiang, L. & Suzuki, Y., 'Detecting Hate Speech from Tweets for Sentiment Analysis' (2019), 2019 6th International Conference on Systems and Informatics, ICSAI 2019, 9010578, pp. 671-676
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Jiang, S., Robertson, R.E., Wilson, C., 'Bias Misperceived: The Role of Partisanship and Misinformation in YouTube Comment Moderation' (2019), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web and Social Media, ICWSM 2019, pp. 278-289
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Jiang, Y., Zhou, B., Zhao, X., Zou, J., Xie, F. & Li, L., 'Domain-adaptive Graph based on Post-hoc Explanation for Cross-domain Hate Speech Detection' (2022), Proceedings - International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI, 2022-October, pp. 1271-1276
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Jikeli, G. & Soemer, K., 'The value of manual annotation in assessing trends of hate speech on social media: was antisemitism on the rise during the tumultuous weeks of Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover?' (2023), Journal of Computational Social Science [online]
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Jikeli, G., Axelrod, D., Fischer, R.K., Forouzesh, E., Jeong, W., Miehling, D. & Soemer, K., 'Differences between antisemitic and non-antisemitic English language tweets' (2022), Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory [online]
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Jikeli, G., Soemer, K. & Karali, S., 'Annotating live messages on social media. Testing the efficiency of the AnnotHate – live data annotation portal' (2024), Journal of Computational Social Science [online]
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Jiménez-Zafra, S.M., García-Cumbreras, M.Á., García-Baena, D., García-Díaz J.A., Chakravarthi, B.R., Valencia-García, R. & Ureña-López, L.A., 'Overview of HOPE at IberLEF 2023: Multilingual Hope Speech Detection | Resumen de la tarea HOPE en IberLEF 2023: Detección Multilingüe de Discurso Esperanzador' (2023), Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, (71), pp. 371–381
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Jimeno, T.A., Mayagoitia-Soria, A. & Đorđević, J., 'Research on Hate Speech. A Proposal of bibliometric analysis in Spain and LATAM during 2021 and 2022 | Investigação sobre Discurso de Ódio. Uma proposta para uma análise bibliométrica em Espanha e LATAM entre 2021 e 2022' (2024), Icono14, 22(1)
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Jin, Y. & Tay, D., 'Offensive, hateful comment: A networked discourse practice of blame and petition for justice during COVID-19 on Chinese Weibo' (2022), Discourse Studies [online]
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Jin, Y., Wanner, L., Kadam, V.L. & Shvets, A., 'Towards Weakly-Supervised Hate Speech Classification Across Datasets' (2023), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 42–59
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Jindal, H., Mangla, M. & Singh, G., 'Fake News Detection Using Machine Learning' (2024), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 896, pp. 375–385
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Jobair, M., Das, D., Islam, N.B. & Dhar, M., 'Bengali Hate Speech Detection with BERT and Deep Learning Models' (2024), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 867 LNNS, pp. 845–859
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Johnson, J., 'When Hate Circulates on Campus to Uphold Free Speech' (2019), Studies in Law Politics and Society, 80, pp. 113-130
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Johnson, B. & West, R., 'Ableism versus free speech in Australia: challenging online hate speech toward people with Down syndrome' (2022), Disability and Society [online]
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Johnson, B.G., Thomas, R.J. & Kelling, K., 'Boundaries of Hate: Ethical Implications of the Discursive Construction of Hate Speech in U.S. Opinion Journalism' (2020), Journal of Media Ethics: Exploring Questions of Media Morality [online]
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Johnson, J., Sattler, D.N., Roberts, G. & Dierckx, K., 'Sexual Assault of a Rohingya Woman: Anti-Rohingya Statements Embolden Those High in Sexism to Report Anti-Victim and Pro-Perpetrator Reactions' (2024), Sex Roles [online]
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Jokić, D., Stanković, R., Krstev, C. & Šandrih, B., 'A Twitter corpus and lexicon for abusive speech detection in Serbian' (2021), OpenAccess Series in Informatics, 93, 13
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Jonathan, V.W. & Setiawan, E.B., 'Feature Expansion Using GloVe for Hate Speech Detection using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) Method in Twitter' (2023), 2023 International Conference on Data Science and Its Applications, ICoDSA 2023, pp. 197–202
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Jones, B.C., 'The online/offline cognitive divide: Implications for law' (2016), SCRIPTed, 13(1), pp.83-94
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Jones, L.M., Montagut, A.S., Mitchell, K.J., Turner, H.A., Hamby, S. & Cuevas, C.A., 'Youth Bias-Based Victimization: Comparing Online Only, In-Person Only, and Mixed Online/In-Person Incidents' (2023), International Journal of Bullying Prevention [online]
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Joshi, P. & Pathak, V., 'Development of Code-Mixed Marathi-English Dataset for Hate Speech Detection' (2024), 2024 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics, ESCI 2024
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Jougleux, P., 'Hate Speech, Fake News, and the Moderation Problem' (2022), in Facebook and the (EU) Law: How the Social Network Reshaped the Legal Framework (Law, Governance and Technology Series, v. 48) (pp. 183-212), Cham: Springer
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Jourová, V., 'Code of Conduct on countering illegal hate speech online: First results on implementation' (2016), Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers
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Jourová, V., 'Code of Conduct on countering illegal hate speech online – Results of the 3rd monitoring exercise' (2018), Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers
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Jourová, V., 'Code of Conduct on countering illegal hate speech online: One year after' (2017), European Commission
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Jung, C.W., 'Role of Informal Social Control in Predicting Racist Hate Speech on Online Platforms: Collective Efficacy and the Theory of Planned Behavior' (2023), Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26(7), pp. 507–518
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Júnior, M., Melo, P., Da Silva, A.P.C., Benevenuto, F. & Almeida, J., 'Towards Understanding the Use of Telegram by Political Groups in Brazil' (2021), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 237-244
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Junka-Aikio, L., 'Toxic speech, political self-Indigenization and the ethics and politics of critique: Notes from Finland' (2022), in S. Valkonen, A. Aikio, S. Alakorva & S.-M. Magga (Eds.) The Sámi World (pp. 310-327), London: Routledge
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Justen, L., Muller, K., Niemann, M. & Becker, J., 'No Time like the Present: Effects of Language Change on Automated Comment Moderation' (2022), Proceedings - 2022 IEEE 24th Conference on Business Informatics, CBI 2022, 1, pp. 40-49
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Kaakinen, M., Sirola, A., Savolainen, I. & Oksanen, A., 'Impulsivity, Internalizing Symptoms, and Online Group Behavior as Determinants of Online Hate' (2020), PLoS ONE, 15(4), e0231052
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Kabasakal Badamchi, D., 'Dimensions of Free Speech: An Exploration of a New Theoretical Framework' (2021), Cham: Springer
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