Publications: Hate speech


Sulzhytski, I., 'Opposition as “a Mould on the Fatherland”: Hate Speech and Grassroots Telegram Propaganda in Belarus' (2022), Journal of Belarusian Studies, 908(2), 12350018
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Sumanth, P., Samiuddin, S., Jamal, K., Domakonda, S. & Shivani, P., 'Toxic Speech Classification using Machine Learning Algorithms' (2022), Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing, ICESIC 2022, pp. 257-263
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Sun, Y. & Xiao, H., 'Profiling Hate Speech Spreaders on Twitter using BERT Pre-trained Model and Neural Network' (2022), Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 125005X
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Sunagar, P., Kanavalli, A., Nayak, S.S., Mahan, S.R., Prasad, S. & Prasad, S., 'Classification of Hate Tweets Using Hybrid Deep Belief Network Algorithm' (2022), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 936, pp. 3-12
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Sundaram, V., Pavan, R.S., Kandaala, S. & Reddy, R.R., 'Distinguishing Hate Speech from Sarcasm' (2022), 2022 International Conference for Advancement in Technology, ICONAT 2022
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Sunday, A.B., 'Critical sociocognitive analysis of hate speech in the 2015 Nigerian presidential election campaign' (2021), Pragmatics and Society, 12(1), pp. 59-78
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Suresh Babu, C.V., Kowsika, S., Tejaswi, M.S., Janarakshani, T.R. & Princy, S.M., 'Framework for detection of cyberbullying in text data using natural language processing and machine learning' (2023), in N. Chitadze (Ed.) Cyber Security Policies and Strategies of the World's Leading States (pp. 69–85), Hershey, PA: IGI Global
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Suvidutt, M.S. & Tomer, A., 'Hate Speech Against Disabled Persons in India: An Analysis of Legal Provisions and Judicial Interpretations' (2022), Journal of Forensic Medicine Science and Law, 31(2), pp. 71-76
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Suvidutt, M.S. & Tomer, A., 'Violence, Hate Speech, and Hostility Against the Healthcare Professionals in India: A Contemporary Legal Review' (2022), Journal of Forensic Medicine Science and Law, 31(1), pp. 90-95
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Suvidutt, M.S. & Tomer, A., 'Religious Hate Speech Vs Peaceful Co-Existence: A Socio-Legal Review' (2022), Journal of Dharma, 47(4), pp. 473-492
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Swain, E., 'Hate speech or legitimate satire? Drawing the line in cartoons' (2023), Hermes (Denmark), (63), pp. 65–81
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Swain, M., Biswal, M., Raj, P., Kumar, A. & Mishra, D., 'Hate and Offensive Language Identification from Social Media: A Machine Learning Approach' (2022), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 860, pp. 335-342
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Swannie, B., 'Speaking back: Does counter speech provide adequate redress for racial vilification?' (2021), Adelaide Law Review, 42(1), pp. 39-72
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Sy, A. & Lopresti, E., 'Between hate speech and fear: throwing evil across the border | [Entre los discursos de odio y el miedo: tirar el mal al otro lado de la frontera]' (2022), Ciencia & saude coletiva, 27(2), pp. 603-608
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Syahputra, I., 'Expressions of Hatred and the Formation of Spiral of Anxiety on Social Media in Indonesia' (2019), SEARCH (Malaysia), 11(1), pp. 95-112
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Syahputri, A.B. & Sibaroni, Y., 'Comparative Analysis of CNN and LSTM Performance for Hate Speech Detection on Twitter' (2023), International Conference on ICT Convergence, 2023-August, pp. 190–195
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Syaifuddiin, G.N., Arifin, R., Desriyanti, Buntoro, G.A., Rosyidin, Z.U., Pratama, R.Y. & Selamat, A., 'Hoax Identification of Indonesian Tweeters Using Ensemble Classifier' (2023), Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication, 11(2), pp. 94–101
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Syam, S.S., Irawan, B. & Setianingsih, C., 'Hate Speech Detection on Twitter Using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Method' (2019), 2019 4th International Conference on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering, ICITISEE 2019, 9003992, pp. 305-310
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Tahir, I. & Ramadhan, M.G.F., 'Hate speech on social media: Indonesian netizens’ hate comments of presidential talk shows on YouTube' (2024), LLT Journal: Journal on Language and Language Teaching, 27(1), pp. 230–251
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Tahmasbi, F., Schild, L., Ling, C., Blackburn, J., Stringhini, G, Zhang, Y. & Zannettou, S., '“Go eat a bat, Chang!”: On the emergence of Sinophobic behavior on web communities in the face of COVID-19' (2021), The Web Conference 2021 - Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2021, pp. 1122-1133
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Tahsini, I. & Duci, V., 'Women and Politics: Coverage of 2021 Parliamentary Election Campaign in the Albanian Online Media' (2022), Global Social Welfare [online]
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Taibi, D., Börsting, J., Hoppe, U., Ognibene, D., Hernández-Leo, D., Eimler, S.C. & Kruschwitz, U., 'The Role of Educational Interventions in Facing Social Media Threats: Overarching Principles of the COURAGE Project' (2023), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1779 CCIS, pp. 315-329
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Tainturier, B., de Dampierre, C. & Cardon, D., 'Measuring the anti-Semitic imprint on YouTube │ Mesurer l’empreinte antisémite sur YouTube' (2023), BMS Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/ Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique, 160(1), pp. 71–98
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Tang, Y. & Dalzell, N., 'Classifying Hate Speech Using a Two-Layer Model' (2019), Statistics and Public Policy, 6(1), pp. 80-86
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Tanvir, R., Shawon, M.T.R., Mehedi, M.H.K., Mahtab, M.M. & Rasel, A.A., 'A GAN-BERT Based Approach for Bengali Text Classification with a Few Labeled Examples' (2023), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 583 LNNS, pp. 20-30
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Tanyel, T., Alkurdi, B. & Ayvaz, S., 'Linguistic-based Data Augmentation Approach for Offensive Language Detection' (2022), Proceedings - 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, UBMK 2022, pp. 1-6
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Taradhita, D.A.N. & Putra, I.K.G.D., 'Hate speech classification in Indonesian language Tweets by using convolutional neural network' (2021), Journal of ICT Research and Applications, 14(3), pp. 225-239
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Taviano, S., 'Translating Migration: Art Installations against Dehumanizing Labelling Practices' (2023), Languages, 8(3), 221
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Taylor, R.S., 'Hate speech, the priority of liberty, and the temptations of nonideal theory' (2012), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 15(3), pp.353-368
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Technau, B., 'The Multi-Component Model for the Semantic Analysis of Slurs' (2020), Pragmatics and Society, 11(2), pp. 219-240
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Teh, P.L. & Cheng, C.-B., 'Profanity and Hate Speech Detection' (2020), International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics [online]
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Teklu, S.W. & Abebaw, Y.F., 'Analysis of the hate speech and racism co-existence dissemination model with optimal control strategies' (2024), Chaos, Solitons and Fractals: X, 12, 100109
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Teresa, B.M., Danilo, C., Berenice, F.N., Domenico, G. & Azzurra, R., 'Fostering Human Rights in Responsible AI: A Systematic Review for Best Practices in Industry' (2024), IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence [online]
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Teruel Lozano, G.M., 'The Crime of Historical Denialism as a Limit to the Freedom of Expression: A European Glance' (2021), in L. Corredoira, I.B. Mallén & R.C. Presuel (Eds.) The Handbook of Communication Rights, Law, and Ethics: Seeking Universality, Equality, Freedom and Dignity (pp. 195-204), Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley
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Teruel Lozano, G.M., 'The Spanish Constitutional Court’s case law on speech crimes that punish extreme speeches: Comment on Judgment n. 35/2020, February 25 and beyond' (2021), Teoria y Realidad Constitucional, (47), pp. 411-436
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Thakkar, H., Patil, A., Saudagar, O. & Yenkikar, A., 'Sentiment and Statistical Analysis on Custom Twitter Dataset for 2022 Russo-Ukrainian Conflict' (2023), Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics, ICIITCEE 2023, pp. 679-684
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Thakur, A.K., Ilievski, F., Sandlin, H.-Â., Sourati, Z., Luceri, L., Tommasini, R. & Mermoud, A., 'Explainable Classification of Internet Memes' (2023), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3432, pp. 395–409
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Thangarasu, G. & Alla, K.R., 'Detection of Cyberbullying Tweets in Twitter Media Using Random Forest Classification' (2023), 13th IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics, ISCAIE 2023, pp. 113–117
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Thapa, S., Rauniyar, K., Shiwakoti, S., Poudel, S., Naseem, U. & Nasim, M., 'NEHATE: Large-Scale Annotated Data Shedding Light on Hate Speech in Nepali Local Election Discourse' (2023), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 372, pp. 2346–2353
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Thareja, R., 'Multimodal Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Content and Its Impact on Mental Wellbeing: An Investigation of Extreme Sentiments' (2024), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 469–473
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The Economist, 'Students are ever quicker to label offensive material as hate speech' (2015), The Economist, Oct 27th 2015 (online)
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The Online Civil Courage Initiative (OCCI), 'Information pack on counterspeech engagement' (2016), Institute for Strategic Dialogue
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Thelen, C., 'Hate Speech as Protected Conduct: Reworking the Approach to Offensive Speech Under the NLRA' (2019), Iowa Law Review, 104(2), pp. 985-1015
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Themeli, C., Giannakopoulos, G. & Pittaras, N., 'A Study of Text Representations for Hate Speech Detection' (2023), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13452 LNCS, pp. 424-437
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Theophilo, A. & Rocha, A., 'Authorship Attribution of Small Messages Through Language Models' (2022), 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, WIFS 2022
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Thi, T.N. & Do, T.-H., 'Lexicon-enhanced hate speech detection on Vietnamese social network data' (2022), Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational Intelligence, CyberneticsCom 2022, pp. 90-95
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Thilagavathy, A., Deepa, R., Lalitha, S.D., Raju, D.N., Ramya, R., Ramya, M., Rithika, L. & Sundari, K.K., 'Semantic-Based Classification of Toxic Comments Using Ensemble Learning' (2023), E3S Web of Conferences, 399, 04017
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Thomas, P.B., Riehm, D., Glenski, M. & Weninger, T., 'Behavior Change in Response to Subreddit Bans and External Events' (2021), IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems [online]
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Thompson, S., '‘Hate Speech and Self-Restraint’' (2019), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice [online]
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Thomson, H., 'Undercover with Online Extremists' (2020), New Scientist, 245(3272), pp. 41-43
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