Publications: Hate speech


Senarath, Y., Anastasopoulos, A., Thornton, T. & Purohit, H., 'PROBER: A System for Real-time Propaganda Behavior Analytics on Social Media and Web Data Streams' (2022), Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2022, pp. 4812-4815
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Senbel, S., Seigel, C. & Bryan, E., 'Word Frequency Analysis of Community Reaction to Religious Violence on Social Media' (2021), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 283, pp. 626-633
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Sepúlveda, J.G.E., 'Democracy and Online Media: A New Form of Hate Speech with Artificial Intelligence as a Backdrop | [Democracia y Medios de Comunicación en línea: Una nueva forma de discurso de odio con la Inteligencia Artificial como telón de fondo]' (2022), Revista de Filosofia (Venzuela), 39(100), pp. 63-77
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Serafis, D., 'Unveiling the rationale of soft hate speech in multimodal artefacts: a critical framework' (2022), Journal of Language and Discrimination, 6(2), pp. 321-346
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Serhan, F.A. & Elareshi, M., 'New Media and Hate Speech: A Study of University Students in Jordan | [Nuevos Medios y Discurso de Odio: Un Estudio de Estudiantes Universitarios en Jordania]' (2020), Opcion, 36(Special Edition 26), pp. 166-184
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Serna, F.J.A., 'The legal protection of religious sentiments on the Internet. Freedom of speech vs hate speech | [LA PROTECCIÓN JURÍDICA DE LOS SENTIMIENTOS RELIGIOSOS EN INTERNET LA LIBERTAD DE EXPRESIÓN FRENTE AL DISCURSO DEL ODIO]' (2023), VISUAL Review. International Visual Culture Review / Revista Internacional de Cultura, 10
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Sethi, A., Kuchhal, U., Anjum & Katarya, R., 'Study of Various Techniques for the Classification of Hateful Memes' (2021), 2021 6th International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication and Technology, RTEICT 2021, pp. 675-680
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Setiabudi, R., Mani, L., Williem, D. & Situmorang, W., 'Anonymous and online hate speech when government raised subsidized fuel prices: an analysis on Instagram account of Indonesian stated own company' (2023), Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 101(24), pp. 8047–8054
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Setyaningrum, W., Vaizi, K.N., Damarina, R., Oktasari, S., Akbar, S.A. & Febriyanto, A., 'E-hights: Hate speech detection system to guarantee freedom of expression' (2023), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2706, 020233
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Sevani, N., Soenandi, I.A., Adianto & Wijaya, J., 'Detection of Hate Speech by Employing Support Vector Machine with Word2Vec Model' (2021), 7th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering: Technological Breakthrough for Greater New Life, ICEEIE 2021
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Sha, L., Camburu, O.-M. & Lukasiewicz, T., 'Rationalizing predictions by adversarial information calibration' (2023), Artificial Intelligence, 315, 103828
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Shadrach, I. & Apuke, O.D., 'Investigating the Effectiveness of Social Media Usage for Political Dialogue in Nigeria' (2020), Library Philosophy and Practice, 2020, pp. 1-16
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Shah, P. & Patel, A., 'A Novel Multimodal Fusion Technique for Text Based Hate Speech Classification' (2022), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1614 CCIS, pp. 359-369
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Shah, P. & Patel, A., 'A Comprehensive Study and Detailed Review on Hate Speech Classification: A Systematic Analysis' (2021), 2021 7th IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Control, ICAC3 2021
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Shah, S., Yuan, X. & Tyler, Z., 'An Analysis of COVID-19 related Twitter Data for Asian Hate Speech Using Machine Learning Algorithms' (2022), 2022 1st International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity, ICAIC 2022
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Shah, S.M.A. & Singh, S., 'Hate Speech and Offensive Language Detection in Twitter Data Using Machine Learning Classifiers' (2023), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 565 LNNS, pp. 221-237
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Shah, V., Bhole, A., Udmale, S.S. & Sambhe, V., 'A Deep Multi-kernel Uniform Capsule Approach for Hate Speech Detection' (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13145 LNCS, pp. 265-271
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Shah, V., Udmale, S.S., Sambhe, V. & Bhole, A., 'A Deep Hybrid Approach for Hate Speech Analysis' (2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13052 LNCS, pp. 424-433
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Shahi, G.K. & Kana Tsoplefack, W., 'Mitigating Harmful Content on Social Media Using an Interactive User Interface' (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13618 LNCS, pp. 490-505Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13618 LNCS, pp. 490-505
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Shahiki-Tash, M., Armenta-Segura, J., Ahani, Z., Kolesnikova, O., Sidorov, G. & Gelbukh, A., 'LIDOMA at HOMO-MEX2023@IberLEF: Hate Speech Detection Towards the Mexican Spanish-Speaking LGBT+ Population. The Importance of Preprocessing Before Using BERT-Based Models' (2023), Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2023) co-located with the Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2023)
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Shaker, R.M., Alghazali, T., Ali, M.H., Talib, S.G., AlRashidi, W.B., Hussein, A.H., Sabit, S.H., & Muhammad, T.J., 'Cyberbullying of Household Women in Iraq: A Critical View for Prohibition of Violence' (2022), International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 16(1), pp. 1-19
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Shakil, M.H. & Alam, M.G.R., 'Hate Speech Classification Implementing NLP and CNN with Machine Learning Algorithm Through Interpretable Explainable AI' (2022), 2022 IEEE Region 10 Symposium, TENSYMP 2022
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Shalinda, J.A.D.U. & Munasinghe, L., 'Hate Words Detection Among Sri Lankan Social Media Text Messages' (2022), Proceedings - International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems Engineering, SCSE 2022, pp. 55-60
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Shankar, V.G., Vats, S., Mohapatra, S., Agarwal, V. & Tanwar, G., 'NEWSMO: A Computer-Aided News Classification Model from Tweets Topic Using a Modified Passive Aggressive and Pipeline Classifier' (2023), International Conference on Self Sustainable Artificial Intelligence Systems, ICSSAS 2023 - Proceedings, pp. 1052–1059
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Shanmugavelan, M., 'Caste-hate speech and digital media politics' (2022), Journal of Digital Media and Policy, 13(1), pp. 41-55
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Shannaq, F., Hammo, B., Faris, H. & Castillo-Valdivieso, P.A., 'Offensive Language Detection in Arabic Social Networks Using Evolutionary-Based Classifiers Learned From Fine-Tuned Embeddings' (2022), IEEE Access, 10, pp. 75018-75039
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Sharif, W., Abdullah, S., Iftikhar, S., Al-Madani, D. & Mumtaz, S., 'Enhancing Hate Speech Detection in the Digital Age: A Novel Model Fusion Approach Leveraging a Comprehensive Dataset' (2024), IEEE Access, 12, pp. 27225–27236
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Sharma, A. & Bhalla, R., 'Automatic and Advance Techniques for Hate Speech Detection on Social Media: A Review' (2022), Proceedings - 2022 Algorithms, Computing and Mathematics Conference, ACM 2022, pp. 54–61
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Sharma, A. & Kaushal, R., 'Detecting Hate Speech in Hindi in Online Social Media' (2023), 2023 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Communication and Computational Techniques, ICCT 2023
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Sharma, A., Kabra, A. & Jain, M., 'Ceasing hate with MoH: Hate Speech Detection in Hindi–English code-switched language' (2022), Information Processing and Management, 59(1), 102760
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Sharma, G., Brar, G.S., Singh, P., Gupta, N., Kalra, N. & Parashar, A., 'An Exploration of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques for Offensive Text Detection in Social Media—A Systematic Review' (2023), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 492, pp. 541-559
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Sharma, P. & Tiwari, R.K., 'Deep Learning Approach for Hate and Non Hate Speech Detection in Online Social Media' (2023), Proceedings - International Conference on Technological Advancements in Computational Sciences, ICTACS 2023, pp. 492–496
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Sharma, S. & Kumar, S., 'Hate Speech Detection Using Transformers' (2023), Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications, ICACTA 2023
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Sharma, S., Agarwal, S., Suresh, T., Nakov, P., Akhtar, M.S. & Chakraborty, T., 'What Do You MEME? Generating Explanations for Visual Semantic Role Labelling in Memes' (2023), Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023, 37, pp. 9763–9771
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Sharmila, P., Anbanathen, K.S.M., Chelliah, D., Parthasarathy, S. & Kannan, S., 'PDHS: Pattern-based Deep Hate Speech Detection with Improved Tweet Representation' (2022), IEEE Access [online]
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Shawkat, N., Saquer, J. & Shatnawi, H., 'Evaluation of Different Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques for Hate Speech Detection' (2024), Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Southeast Conference, ACMSE 2024, pp. 253–258
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Shayegh, J., Sumantry, D., Jagayat, A. & Choma, B., 'Canadian politicians’ rhetoric on Twitter/X: Analysing prejudice and inclusion towards Muslims using structural topic modelling and rhetorical analysis' (2023), British Journal of Social Psychology [online]
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Sheth, P., Kumarage, T., Moraffah, R., Chadha, A. & Liu, H., 'PEACE: Cross-Platform Hate Speech Detection – A Causality-Guided Framework' (2023), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14169 LNAI, pp. 559–575
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Shi, X., Liu, J. & Song, Y., 'BERT and LLM-Based Multivariate Hate Speech Detection on Twitter: Comparative Analysis and Superior Performance' (2024), Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2058 CCIS, pp. 85–97
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Shibly, F.H.A., Sharma, U. & Naleer, H.M.M., 'Detection of Cyberbullying in Social Media to Control Users’ Mental Health Issues Using Recurrent Neural Network Architectures' (2022), Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 13, pp. 434-441
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Shibly, F.H.A., Sharma, U. & Naleer, H.M.M., 'Automatic Detection of Online Hate Speech Against Women Using Voting Classifier' (2023), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 473, pp. 735-745
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Shibly, F.H.A., Sharma, U. & Naleer, H.M.M., 'Performance Comparison of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms in Detecting Online Hate Speech' (2023), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 473, pp. 695-706
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Shibly, F.H.A., Sharma, U. & Naleer, H.M.M., 'Classifying and Measuring Hate Speech in Twitter Using Topic Classifier of Sentiment Analysis' (2021), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1165, pp. 671-678
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Shibly, F.H.A., Sharma, U. & Naleer, H.M.M., 'An Efficient Method for Detecting Hate Speech in Tamil Tweets Using an Ensemble Approach' (2024), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 731 LNNS, pp. 19–26
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Shibly, F.H.A., Sharma, U. & Naleer, H.M.M., 'Detecting Hate Speech through Machine Learning' (2022), in S. Borah & R. Panigrahi (Eds.) Applied Soft Computing Techniques and Applications (Research Notes on Computing and Communication Sciences Series) (pp. 59-68), Palm Bay, Florida: Apple Academic Press
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Shilpashree, S. & Ashoka, D.V., 'A comprehensive review on hate speech recognition utilizing natural language processing and machine learning' (2024), in G. H L, P. M R & F. Flammini (Eds.) Recent Trends in Computational Sciences - Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Data Science, Machine Learning and Blockchain Technology, AICDMB 2023 (pp. 141–148), London: CRC Press
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Shishah, W. & Fajri, R.M., 'Large Comparative Study of Recent Computational Approach in Automatic Hate Speech Detection' (2022), TEM Journal, 11(1), pp. 82-93
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Shraya, B., Reddy Dopathi, H.C., Anitha, G. & Pattanaik, B., 'Unveiling the Intricacies of Cyber Harassment Intentions on Social Media Platforms' (2024), 2024 3rd International Conference for Innovation in Technology, INOCON 2024
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Shridhara, M.G., Pristaš, V., Kotvytskiy, A., Antoni, L. & Semanišin, G., 'A short review on hate speech detection: Challenges towards datasets and techniques' (2023), DISA 2023 - World Symposium on Digital Intelligence for Systems and Machines, Proceedings, pp. 204–209
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Shrimali, S., 'A Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning-Based Framework to Automatically Identify Cyberbullying and Hate Speech in Real-Time' (2022), 2022 IEEE MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference, URTC 2022
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